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Ok so i know there have been thousands of dates through the years that the world would end, there was Y2K, 6/6/06, and now due to a celestial event (planets alligning), and the end of the mayan calendar (the mayans were idol worshipers) the world is supposed to end december 12, 2012. Where do people get this c**p. I mean there was no legetimate reason in any of those or other dates that the world would end. Y2K wasnt even a proven fact, just a possibility and it was just blown way out of proportion by the media. I mean I could go out, say that the world will end it 666 days and people would throw themselves into panic. Why is the world so daft. God and God and god alone knows when the world will end. Do yall agree.




  1. We didnt start the world and we cant end it.

  2. the concept of a planetary alignment in 2012 is c**p, certainly, and I didnt buy the 666 thing either... mostly because it was based on some Sky Daddy crackpot religion written in a book by some shepards and re-written by some Kings who thought it was a nifty keen idea to keep the peasants in line.

    as to Y2K, I was a believer... i KNOW programmers that were stupid enough not to plan for the day after Y2K, so I was relieved that our fixes worked.  Disaster AVERTED not proved to be non-existant.

  3. yes agree . in india people think that that the time of the world has been divided into five parts, kalyug , tretayug, dwapar yug, satiyug and sangam yug. we all are living in the sangam yug and it means that suddenly after a great time form all forms of life only some will be chosen to live and all others would die

  4. ive heard of one recently about a church in El Salvador, i think, is never finished being built because when it was barely starting to be built it was prophesized the world would end when it was finished. it hasnt stopped growing since some 200 years ago and is schedualed to be finished by

  5. Jusan, do you remember, when you were a child, and your parents or older siblings told you a scary story and your were so excited?

    It could be interesting, on an evolutionist point of view, to understand why we like to scare the h**l of ourselves.

    The word out there is: "Good news is no news." The media knows that and when something happens, they don't publish the opinion of the government but of the opposition.

    It's just the way it is. If we could snap out of it; admit that it is one of our weakness and react to it; get more positive with more faith in mankind, everything would be so much better.

    Here is a good list of all apocalypses. A contradiction in itself because there can be only one; the last one - and the word shouldn't be written in plural! :-)

  6. Actually there would have been some problems on Y2K if they hadn't corrected the faulty code.  It wouldn't have been global disaster, but there would have been a lot of problems.  But that's beside the point.  People are simply obsessed with doom.  It must be filling some simple psychological need, to constantly panic and think that death is imminent.  I guess maybe people are afraid of death and that's why they're so obsessed with it.  Maybe that's why that's all you hear about in the news.  That's just my guess anyway.  Who knows.

    You could die tomorrow in a fire or car crash or any number of ways.  Why worry about 4 years from now?

  7. I agree with the first answer.

    My Catholic answer: Only God knows.

    My logical answer: It will end only when humans have screwed the world over so bad that we just end up killing each other.
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