
Appointments with kids?

by Guest57139  |  earlier

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I don't have anybody to watch my 6 week old or my 4 year old and I have an appointment with the obgyn on a bladder issue, what would you do with them i mean to keep them quiet during the appointment or still? I can't exactly hold them when im laying there half naked u know?




  1. I would check to see if the clinic or hospital has a childcare room, or reschedule your appointment until you can find a sitter.  Children shouldn't be going to your appointments.

  2. well your 6 week old should sleep alot of the time anyway, he is still at that age. if he doesn't still nap alot, make sure your appt. time is scheduled around the time he normally sleeps.

    the 4 year old, take coloring books & crayons, some cereal in a baggie for snacks or a barbie or cars depending on what they want (boy or girl??)

    when you strip down and get on the table, tell your 4 year old she/he needs to be a special helper for you while you get your exam. make him think he is "babysitting" while you are being checked out

    i personally have never had a problem taking my kids ever. i did these things and they were fine. they might have gotten whiney or fussy, but you are going to an obgyn, they have seen that before im am positive.  

  3. hi

    I would recommend you plan the day so that your 6 week old is sleeping so you don't have to think about that one!

    Your 4 year old should not be a problem as s/he wont need holding I used to take my kids to mdwife appointments, they normally have toys in the room to occupy little ones- keep your 6 week old in the pushchair/buggy and the 4 year old should just play with some toys- i would even take some sweets (candy you call it?) for that one just incase they start acting up! have fun! lol

  4. bring a friend with u to the appt  and have them sit with children while u go in.

  5. Hmm, that's a tough situation. The doctor will probably scare the children, seeing the position you'd be in. Try rescheduling until you can find someone to watch them. I don't know if it would be rude to ask the nurses to watch them. I went to a doctor's office once, and there was a sign. "If you can't keep your children quiet, please leave." OUCH.  

  6. Call the office and ask if there will be an office staff member availble to assist with your 4yr old... I used to work for an OBGYN and still am in the medical field and I always have taken the kids and given them coloring sheets and kept them busy until mom was all done.. I am sure there will be someone there happy to help.. for the baby it will probably sleep through the visit

  7. If you do not have anyone to watch them i would call your hospital and ask their advice about this, its not the hospitals fault you don't have anyone to watch them u know !

  8. ask if there is anyone who can come in and watch them with you, like a nurse! Good luck!  

  9. I nursed my six week old while laying on the table during my six week post partum exam. It can be done! I had two of my older kids with too.

    Bring something for the four yr old to do and you'll be fine.

  10. If it is a hospital appointment then you can ring the Patient Liaison Office (PALS). They are there to help with any issues you have and difficulties in attending appointments.  They may be able to arrange for one of the nursing staff to sit with the children or chaperone you so they can occupy the children in the actual office.  If you are in the US then I don't know if you have an equivalent service?

    I would definitely take some milk/snacks/books/colouring stuff.  There are always Healthcare Assistants who work alongside the nurses and doctors to assist with issues like this.  We have many mums with young children attending hospital appointments and there is always someone happy to help.

  11. In my doctors office, they are glad when I bring my son because the Medical Assistants love to hold them and show them off around the clinic while I am being seen with the doctor.

  12. LOL yes I have had this problem many times LOL It is soo umm helpless!! With my son who is 3 I always bring a snack and that usually kept him occupied BUT with my daughter who is 7 months now the nurses always took her,our clinic is kind of small and I got to know all of them when I was pregnant with her so I wasn't worried about her going with them:)

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