
Apricot seeds?

by  |  earlier

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i was looking at this thing that said an apricot seed contains cyanide, but it also has high B17, and thta it was safe to eat them in small quantities

what i need to know is what would be considered a "safe" daily amount that an adult could eat with out being harmed by the cyanide, but still get a good amount of the B17




  1. Hi,

    The latin name s***n Pruni Armeniacae or apricot kernal/seed should be used with caution dt its toxicity.  In Chinese herbal medicine we combine many herbs often to help neutralize toxicity.  See an acupuncturist or herbalist for help with a formula.  I would hate for you to suffer liver and kidney damage.

  2. My dad is in remission from stage 4 stomach cancer to the liver and he has been taking 25 seeds a day since he was dx in January. His kidney doctor claims that his kidney function is the best its ever been in the 13 years that he has had diabetes. He takes them throughout the day like 5 or six at a time. He also built up to 25 a day. When he was first dx he started with 6 the first day and 8 the next day and so on untill he reached 25.

    The rest of the family and many friends take 5 to 7 a day for preventive. My dog takes one a day.(It gives him really bad doggy breathe though)
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