
Aquarians & Cancerians?

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Well I am a Cancerian Male (9 July) and there is a girl who is Aquarian (25 Jan). Well we love each other a lot.

My problem is that she is behaving quite detached from sometime and due to this I am feeling neglected and aloof. Being clingy in nature, this particular attitude of her makes me very very angry. I feel like just dump her. But I gone thorugh the compatibility chart and found that Aquarians behaves like this most of the time.

Well I wanna ask that how i can impress her/show her i love her too much, instead of affecting the typical Aquarian Characteristics?

Pls help friends




  1. Dear Cancer:

    I am an Aqua female who has been involved with a Cancerian male for almost five months.  I can tell you, he is always complaining that I am unfeeling and uncaring... he asks about my feelings for him, often, and I deny, deny, deny. He can go for weeks without calling me, and then acts as though it is all my fault that we have not spoken or seen one another.  He is, by far, the most giving and sensitive lover, I have ever been with, and even wants to wait on the s*x part, since he knows I am old-fashioned.  I like him enough to still have him in my life, and I assume since he keeps coming back, he feels the same.  If you can relate, send me an e mail, anytime, we can talk about how to approach this girl of yours, so as not to repel her.  We are tough cookies, but cookies just the same - I promise.  Be patient and go slow, or she will run away.

  2. Just give her space... make sure she always has her freedom apart from your relationship and  that you are not obsessed with her nor do you own her. That's the only advice I think of. Cancer men scare the h**l out of me haha sorry.

  3. Well, I am an Aquarian and I must admit that I don't sure affection at all.  I don't really believe that people of the same sign have the same characteristics or are better matched with other people of a certain star sign.  But if all you want is opinions of people that are of the same sign than I can help you with that.  I think I am simillar to your girlfriend and i know that someone clingy would embarrass me as I don't really like to show affection.  I can be easily bought so I think that you should buy her something that will mean something.  it doesn't have to be expensive but something that shows you remmeber what she likes.  Like her favourite chocolates or a book she has been meaning to buy.  Anything that shows you are sweet amd that you do listen when she talks.

  4. Just confront the girl. If she isnt intrested anymore dump her and take a break from dating. Btw im a cancer too.

  5. Horrorscopes really are a bunch of c**p.

  6. You two are opposites but love can make it work!  I always go back to the relationship between President Reagan an Aquarius and his wife Nancy a Cancer who shared a wonderful love story.  Whether two signs are considered compatible or not a any relationship can work if you both truly want it to work.

    Communication is the key!

    Good Luck!

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