
Aquarius Sign Aquarius rising Taurus Moon?

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What's are my traits?

Is it a good combination




  1. I've used alabe too. I am Pisces sun/Pisces moon. I do not know about Capricorn sun/Taurus moon, but I know about Aquarius sun/Taurus moon, because my sister and grandmother both has this combo. I would call them both curious, domestic, stubborn, concerned with family, attractive and confusing. Are you on the cusp of Capricorn/Aquarius?

  2. One of your traits is that you tend to be gullible and will believe in almost anything including Astrology.  Another of your traits is that you are very inquisitive (you ask a lot of questions).  This is a terrible combination because you tend to believe the answers given to you by random people regarding the most important questions of your life which only you yourself should answer for yourself.

  3. Astrology is bunk.  There is no way that the stars influence our personalities or behavior, unless we choose to do so.

    Realize that astrologers base their determinations on charts that were created thousands of years ago, and then realize that the stars are no longer in those positions.

    Try reading the daily horoscope one day late.  Notice that they are so vague that you could apply most, if not all, of their "predictions" for EVERY sign to what did happen to you.

  4. Hey, no's not all that bad really...

    Based on the above combo, i'd say that the good points abt this is that the way you appear to others/how you behave socially (Aqu Rising) is pretty much in sync with your innate life goals, working mechanisms (Aqu Sun). Hence, there will be less contradiction in the way you present yourself to others and the way you really are. Also, all these are in Fixed signs, which means that you are one determined, loyal person when it comes to life goals, emotional attachments are able to carry a task from start to finish more easily than most otehr people, although your Aqu infleunces may make u somewhat detached at times...

    Now on to the not-so-good points...because these fixed signs are in squared signs..there will so be sort of inner conflict tension, stress to an extent (esp. if they are in squared aspects, 90 degs apart from each other). Your Aqu Sun traits wish to stay detached, aloof and values its freedom, independence, individualisty but the Taurus Moon wants nothing more than a one-on-one emotional bonding, security and stability. This is likely to be confusing to a romantic partner, as you are likely to portray mixed signals.

    What is needed then, is to find some way to overcome the difficult squared signs aspect by re-navigating round the sharp corner. Learn to communicate more of your emotional needs and feelings to others. And watch out for that detached. rebellious image that u tend to portray as well, for this can push others away unintentionally.

  5. Well first you ask "what are my traits?" and then you say "i know astrology is a lot of c**p".   So why do you want to know then?  I'm confused.

    I know an Aquarius Sun and Rising with a Taurus Moon.  That person is a really good astrologer too, but he's super duper opinionated and it's "his way or the highway".  This person will not change their mind for ANYONE (only themselves), and are pretty Self-focused.

    Really smart and intuitive, too!  :-)

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