
Are AP classes in highschool hard?!?

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this is my first year of highschool doing advanced classes, and im really nervous!

are they hard??

whats ur experience??




  1. It really depends on the class.  My AP history class was a killer, but AP stats was easier than most honors math classes I had taken.  You should ask some students who had taken them and get their take on it.  Or talk to the teachers and ask them what kind of workload to expect.  Hope this helped, and good luck!

  2. well, during the first week your gonna be all like "man this is tottaly easy" then a month later your going to be bombared with homework and c**p. well i had honors lit, and science, considering i already done it before it was easy...( had to do it again because i did it in 8th grade but CREDIT starts in 9th..ugh)  the complexness will increase as the year will go by, but im sure you will do fine. ap is higher than honors. so its going to be hard, however you can do it. it wont hurt to study somtimes for no reason..

  3. If you're smart enough to get enrolled in them...then no. I had a pre-calc course and did well in it considering I hate math. Just work hard and study hard and you'll get through it.

  4. hmmmm it depends on your background. Are you a genius or kinda smart? Are you lazy or a hard worker? It also depend on the school. My school is extremely hard so I struggled. I took 5 APs ( wouldn't reccommend that). I would say that if you are somewhat smart you'll do fine. Good luck!

  5. I'm not even gonna lie... if your looking to go through them like any other class your wrong. you actually have to do some work to pass. I took AP calculus and it was not easy but if you put forth the effort then you pass.  

  6. AP class are consider college level type classes

    so its either hard or easy

    but it always depending on teacher and homework

  7. They aren't really hard. If their hard then you shouldn't be taking it in the first place. AP classes are just very tedious. You have to make sure you have a lot of study time so you can pass them. They are college level for a reason.

    My experience so far is that, it isn't really hard. You just have to do the work! You can't be lazy or procrastinate, you will just fall behind and fail. So far doing all the reading and work is keeping me on track.  

  8. yeahh thats why you get more credits for them.

    and thats why you have to qualify to be in them.

    if not then you're stuck in stupid classes with everyone else.

  9. i think they're hard...but u just have to stay focused, do the work and dont give up on it...and study hard for the final exam...but they look good on college applications and if u pass the test u get college credit.

    if u need more help just message me

  10. not really. i guess it depends on your school. as long as you pay attention you'll do fine.. good luck

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