
Are Americans still bleating??

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All I have heard during this Olympic Games is Americans bleating on about the Chinese being cheats. Bad losers. Sour grapes. I even read from some American that wanted the Olympic Games (nb. not the American Games) held in America for ever.

Will Americans ever realise that there is a big, wide world out here - and they DON'T OWN IT.




  1. Here's what makes me mad. If it was the USA cheating and using under-aged athletes LOOK OUT! The whole world would be attacking us and criticizing us, but I guess China is an exception (sarcasm). The IOC sets rules for a reason. If China does not meat the guidelines, then they should not be rewarded.

  2. they have enough money to own it.  

  3. Don't they?  

  4. Its the results that count.

    China  22 golds

    USA   10 golds

      Ok there may be some favouritism but what country that hosts the games don't resort to the same thing ?

  5. "You heard"??

    Sounds like  a rant.


  6. As an American I have to agree with you somewhat.

    We don't own the world, but we DO LOAN to the world.

    It's time to CALL IN OUR LOANS to EVERYONE -- every single country that we have bailed out over the last almost 100 or so years.

    THAT will give a big boost to our economy and we can start taking care of things at home.

    Time to pay up

    England, France, Germany

  7. We DO own the world.

  8. Beauty, you ever thought or had that capacity to realize a Texan was pulling your chain? Jealousy makes people do and say a lot of things. If you don't like the USA leave them alone and keep your mouth shut. We won't bother you. What we need to do is let the rest of the world turn themselves out and stop taking care of them. Also if there wasn't a USA there wouldn't be any other country either. There may be some 3rd world shambles of countries but it is the US that has protected you from the juggernaut of conquest. All of you.  

  9. Um, yanks can't actually afford anything at the moment. They're technically bust and in hock to the Chinese. Still, the American dream lives on..............and that is exactly what it is.

  10. No - not that I've heard... The only "Lamb of god" I've heard from- is George Bush carrying on about what's going on in Georgia... -But that's pretty TYPICAL of His style of governing...  :)

  11. Is 'The American Dream' so called because you have to be asleep to believe it?

  12. I'll never forget one American prat in China who asked me this: "are you white caucasian female?" which is what I was and am. He hadn't heard of half of the places I knew, so I'm sure that speaks for some Americans.  

  13. What the h**l are you prattling on about?

  14. The best thing about these games is we don't hear those incessant chants of USA, USA.


  15. only the USA could have a world series and not invite the world

    just show them this list

  16. Most of them do of course! I went to Texas in the early 90's and one guy in the bar i was talking to had never heard of Margaret Thatcher or The Falklands war!

    He didn't know who the president of the USA was either!

    He asked me Do y'all live in castles in England?

    I mean my God.

  17. I agree with Ua. If America had cheated. Everybody else would have complained that we cheated and the american contestants would be stripped of their medals. But its okay when another country like China does it? Besides, what is the point of have an age minimum rule if it is not even going to be enforced??? I guarantee if America had cheated, the IOC would have had ALL of the cheating american gymnasts stripped of every last medal.

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