
Are Christians against masturbation?

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I'm only 14 and haven't read the whole bible. I've been masturbating for a year now and it came naturally. I just wanted to know if it is considered bad to m********e in God's eyes. I'm a christian.




  1. It's not bad. You just have to watch out for ceiling cat while you're doing it.

  2. Being a Christian myself i would think, yes, it's sinful only because you would have to think dirty thoughts while trying to achieve what ever you call it. God says to keep your mind and heart free from lust, right? so there for, how could you while your masturbating? I'd be careful if i were you.

  3. Well there mister, I think whats more important is, what are you thinking about or looking at when doing this?  Sexual immorality comes in to mind.  Look that up in the Bible and it will explain everything.

    Just My Thoughts!

  4. i was going to do a whole joke about giving god a facial, but i think your to young for that

  5. You're a sinner and will go to h**l. Just kidding. Most will tell you it is, but it is a natural thing. Don't feel badly about it.

  6. It does reduce your energy instead of increase it. It also puts you attention into a make-believe world instead of listening to what God tell you to do.

  7. No,they don't flip flop back and forth...I'm a christian,and I LOVE to m********e! Self love is as important as loving anyone! Chris shouldn't respond with an 'answer' when he has no idea what he's talking about.The only thing I can add about Chris' response is ...WOW.He must be meeting different christians with different views,an therefore,he thinks all christians flip flop on masturbating.Yes,I'm a Christan,but not dead and very much human; still have human needs and feelings.

  8. Yes it is.

    But not because the Bible says "Thou Shalt Not m********e."

    This is a straw man put together by miserable atheists.

    And it isn't the Sin of Oman. His sin was defying the expressed will of God.

    Masturbation falls under two categories: Lust and Sloth.

    Lust is the replacement of love and devotion and a holy union based on trust and faith....with carnality. In other words, you can easily replace relationships with masturbation and pornography, and that is a sin. Masturbation simply rewards lustful thoughts with a dump of hormones and chemicals, giving you and orgasmic high.

    Of course, God Himself gave us this capacity to have pleasurable s*x, but put strict guidelines down that need to be followed.

    Sloth refers to the laziness and immobility that masturbation (especially frequently) often brings.

    Masturbating physically makes you weak (briefly), makes you sleepy, and distracts from what God expects you to do. It also can become addictive (as all chemical imbalances can) and compulsive. Pretty soon, your schedule is built around masturbation, rather than family, friends, relationships, and marriage.

    This is also why Masturbation is, while not considered cheating, is still regarded as terrible inconsiderate to your partner.

    You've basically replaced them your appetites. An act designed to bring Men and Women closer together becomes an act of self indulgence.

    Does this mean Christians don't m********e. No. We're all sinners. We all break the rules from time to time and a little masturbation will likely not harm you.

    Just put as much of that energy into your friendships, your family, and everything else you do. When you feel the urge, that's God's way of saying "Get off your *** and do something productive!"

    So do it.

    God Bless!

  9. Of course it happens, but we aren't intended to have s*x alone.

  10. Yeah, I don't think God would appreciate you masturbating in his eyes.

  11. Ok, from a purely scriptural sense....

    Pre-marital s*x = sin

    Lusting after a woman that you're not married to = sin

    So if masturbation leads you to commit either of those sins, it is itself wrong.  Its is a huge temptation and something most people do?  Yes.  The Bible doesn't mention masturbation at all, but I think it falls into the category of causing you to lust after someone you're not married to and even plant a stronger desire to have s*x before you're married.

    You're not doomed to h**l, all sin is forgiven when you confess and repent, but yes, its wrong.  I struggled with it and messed up all the time, but its still wrong.

  12. Its ok.  The funny thing is that most s*x questions come from atheists or muslims.  I guess their sexual repression is what drove them to their current belief system.

  13. Not when you have a helping hand.

  14. Yes, it's a sin, it's sexual activity outside of marriage.  And you are programming your thinking, your sexual patterns, etc by doing that.

    Not to mention that it's fornication/adultery with whoever you're fantasizing about in your mind.  Stop doing it.  That behavior is addictive also, can easily become a stronghold.

    Keep your mind on other things, keep busy with other things.  Don't spend time alone.  Don't do any of the things you are doing now that contribute to that behavior.  You are programming yourself, even the moods you are in when you do it, the times you do it, where you do it, you are putting yourself into bondage.  Not to mention that later you'll be expecting your spouse to live up to whatever you're fantasizing in your head, which puts them into a position to try to fulfill your illusions.

    Nothing good will come from doing that.  

  15. In their eyes, unfortunately, they believe masturbation is a sin.  Guys have been playing with themselves since they were infants.  Like you said, its only natural.  They want to stop you from doing everything thats natural...In my eyes, this is the very definition of the word un-natural.  

  16. No.. Christans do not teach that it is wrong. Some other relegions do teach what is wrong and what is not.

  17. It's perfectly natural and healthy. But it should be kept private.

    For interest only, and not to be taken seriously, this is what the Bible says about it:

    Leviticus 15:16-18  "When a man has an emission of s***n, he must bathe his whole body with water, and he will be unclean till evening. Any clothing or leather that has s***n on it must be washed with water, and it will be unclean till evening. When a man lies with a woman and there is an emission of s***n, both must bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening."

    The bit about being "unclean" is for ritual purposes only, and I don't think any Christian Sect follows this.

  18. everyone says YES

    i say no, but with qualifications.

    masterbation is better than fornication but not good for the body,

    abstienance and chastity is the commandment

    lust is the sin.

    but some people can m********e without lust, (little loophole)

    there are biological consequences too. i once taught that if you had an engine and it was engineered to fail after 300k miles, it would be best to keep it tuned up and maintained and you might get another 100k or 2

    i truly believe the sexual body parts are engineered to last the life time but with abuse they will fail and cause other problems too.

    some people say if you dont use it, you will lose it

    i add to that: if you abuse it you will lose.

    the bible says we should get married to avoid fornication but even then the bible says we should come together afterwards with prayer and fasting.

    you wont get a girl pregnant in abstinence or masturbation, as long as you dont touch them, the bible says also dont touch a woman,

    the best course is NOT to fornicate or m********e and be chaste always.

  19. According to christianity it's a sin, but in real life it is normal and natural and helps to decrease the risk of prostate cancer and s*x increases the immune system. gladly christianity is maturing a little bit and finding this reality out.

  20. It's a mortal sin.


    Masturbation leads to teaching yourself to isolate your orgasmic experience like orgasms are bad; leading you to subconsciously believe that you're unworthy of being loved.

  21. They like to flip-flop back and forth on that.

    For a while they were strongly opposed and told everyone to not, but now, they are like; "yeahh, go ahead. it stops you from having s*x."

  22. Masturbation is perfectly normal. Don't feel bad about it. You hurt no one, including yourself.

  23. Interesting question Thomas.

    I love it the way people always ask christians and other religious people questions about their faith, they alays have something to say about god or tht.  

  24. Yes. Masturbation is a highly disordered act. Manual stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive pleasure. It violates the means by which they were created, which is to procreate.

  25. They love masturbating to the thought of sinners burning in h**l for eternity, so no.  

  26. According to the Catechism, masturbation is a misuse of the sexual urge.  Having said that, the Church realizes there are extenuating circumstances, such as anxiety and ingrained habit that affect the seriousness of the act.  When in doubt, bring up the subject in Confession.

  27. Hi,

    There is not one passage in the bible that says masturbation is a sin. I want to be clear on that. The problem herein lies in what you are thinking during the experience. If you are thinking lustfully about someone you want to be with other than your wife, then that is a sin. You stated that you are 14. I will take a leap here and assume that you're not married. The Bible does clearly state that s*x was created by God to be shared between a husband and his wife. There is a lot of confusion and debate around this topic. Christians are not perfect nor do they think they are. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. That's why Jesus died on the cross. His blood is the glorious sacrifice to cover the sins of mankind for all eternity.

    It's good that you are curious about what is good in your creators eyes.

    Keep up the good work!

  28. High Resolve and Spiritual Life Destroyed. Secret vice is the destroyer of high resolve, earnest endeavor, and strength of will to form a good religious character. All who have any true sense of what is embraced in being a Christian know that the followers of Christ are under obligation as His disciples to bring all their passions, their physical powers and mental faculties into perfect subordination to His will. Those who are controlled by their passions cannot be followers of Christ. They are too much devoted to the service of their master, the originator of every evil, to leave their corrupt habits and choose the service of Christ.

         Vital Energy Is Depleted. The practice of secret habits surely destroys the vital forces of the system. All unnecessary vital action will be followed by corresponding depression. Among the young the vital capital, the brain, is so severely taxed at an early age that there is a deficiency and great exhaustion, which leaves the system exposed to disease of various kinds.  

         Foundation Laid for Various Diseases Later in Life. If the practice is continued from the ages of fifteen and upward, nature will protest against the abuse she has suffered, and continues to suffer, and will make them pay the penalty for the transgression of her laws, especially from the ages of thirty to forty-five, by numerous pains in the system and various diseases, such as affection of the liver and lungs, neuralgia, rheumatism, affection of the spine, diseased kidneys, and cancerous humors. Some of nature's fine machinery gives way, leaving a heavier task for the remaining to perform, which disorders nature's fine arrangement; and there is often a sudden breaking down of the constitution, and death is the result.

         The Results of Self-Abuse. Females possess less vital force than the other s*x, and are deprived very much of the bracing, invigorating air by their indoor life. The results of self-abuse in them is seen in various diseases such as catarrh, dropsy, headache, loss of memory and sight, great weakness in the back and loins, affections of the spine, the head often decays inwardly. Cancerous humor, which would lie dormant in the system their lifetime, is inflamed and commences its eating, destructive work. The mind is often utterly ruined, and insanity takes place.

  29. If it came naturally, Christians shouldn't be against it, because it's in human nature to "practice."

  30. This is too personal and we dont want your personal stuff.

    some are but some arent but its personal. skip this on pub boards.

  31. I don`t think so...It`s a better way to deal with your urges than going out having s*x with strangers.

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