
Are Churches required to marry anyone?

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It is my understanding that presently, only courts are actually Required by law to marry someone. I've seen a church refuse to marry someone for living together before getting married (thus breaking Biblical rule on the subject, in the pastor's eyes, making them ineligible for marriage). I've seen cases like that before. That IS legal, right?

I certainly hope it's legal! My understanding on the g*y marriage issue is they're just wanting equal legal treatment, not that they're trying to force the Christian churches themselves into Biblically accepting their unions. Since my understanding is that churches aren't legally required to marry anyone anyway, that makes that accusation moot.

Thanks so much for your help ^-^




  1. No, churches are no obligated to marry anyone.

    If g*y marriage were legal, churches would not have to marry g*y couples.

  2. Go ahead and pull your panties out of you as*, your church probably won't be marrying a g*y couple anytime soon.

  3. All I can say is read this:

  4. As of right now they don't have to.  This is why it is imperative to NOT instate faith based initiatives.  This gives the government control on how a church organization runs and who they can and cannot hire.  

    I see this as a very slippery slope in the near future when g*y marriage becomes legal in all 50 states.

  5. Actually, they are trying to force churches to marry. I saw a case on a news program (I forget which one) where some g**s wanted to be married at a certain beach pavilion in (I think) California. But this pavilion is owned by a conservative Christian church. The g**s sued them to try to force the church to allow a g*y wedding on their property. As I understand it, in some of the European countries churches are required to perform g*y weddings. Yes, many of them are trying to militantly force their lifestyle choices on the church.

    I want to be careful here. Not every g*y thinks and acts against religious beliefs of others in this manner, but some do. Just like not every conservative Christian bashes g**s (preach against it yes, personalize it, no), but some do. Each gives their respective group a bad name.  

  6. churches can do what they want. my understanding is only courts are required to authenticate marriage licenses.

  7. Marriage is a legal thing only.  Churches will marry people to assist the courts, but if you don't have the legal piece of paper from your municipality, you are NOT legally married, no matter where your ceremony takes place.

    Churches can legally pick and choose who to marry, and the courts cannot say anything about it.  On the other hand, the courts can marry anyone they choose and the churches have no say over it.  Both are performing the same function.  A venue for a legal event.

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