
Are Delhi men all psychos?

by Guest59117  |  earlier

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I'd like answers from women please. Is it possible to meet non-psycho upper-middle class men in Delhi? From what I hear, men there are not at all to be trusted - even the educated, slick ones do not respect women and are more likely than not, alcohol-dependent perverts who are into pedophilia and orgies.

Is it safer not to consider Delhi men as potential life partners - is abuse, sexual perversion, debauchery and disrespect for women (especially western and westernised women) pretty much in their blood?




  1. I think you're looking for love in the wrong place. Why do you have to find a man in Delhi? Are you stuck here? I'm also near Delhi but I'm a foreigner and I totally ignore the masses of crazy men even though I have to use their business facilities often.

    I don't know if you're Indian but if not then I'd tell you about the Indian culture.

    You must know that the culture of India has always been to arrange marraiges. I don't know what percentage of Indians have tried to give up that culture recently but it is not wise in my opinion for outsiders or insiders to meddle with it. It is the way India is and I respect it a lot actually.

    But I see that there are a real lot of unmarried boys who just look like a nuisance. They are studying but it seems there are not enough girls to go around. It makes me wonder if a lot of people aborted female fetuses because of the religious need to have a son. Nuts huh? So religious!

    My understanding from 11 years in India is that people are still moralistic and promiscuity is not at all common. But I think the younger generation want to adopt every bad thing about the western world.

    Still, most boys I talk to are moralistic and even the ones who don't want to be are just all talk.

    There are a lot of crazy lower class men but I still think they have more morals than western men in most cases.

    Delhi is a very big city and there are all types of people here. Lots of religious people and lots who like money and religion mixed. (?)

    I know of many very good quality married men. Fortunately I am not and never will be seeking any friendship with any male because I'm a yoga student and that is our moral culture.

    If you think you need a life partner I would not think that India would be the place to look. If you think you need a guru then you're in the right place for a spiritual journey. It's a h**l of a lot safer.

  2. I am sorry - you may not like my answer but your post is in very poor taste.

    Be careful with any man you may chose to be your partner, but do not classify all men of a particular place or section as one partcular type. Honestly it hurts to read your post. My answer is - not all men are alike, whether in Delhi or in Dallas. For that matter not all women are alike too.

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