
Are Ehud and Edad still alive ?

by Guest64122  |  earlier

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I 've watched to the news for many times .. i didn't understand whether if these two are still alive or not ..

That guy in bbc news speaks so fast !

I guess he says " ..hezbola didn't tell whether these two prisoners were still alive or not ..."

then how come the swap of prisoners occured .. i can't get it.




  1. They exchange consisted of:

    Israel to Hezbollah- a live killer of a 4-year old girl

    Hezbollah to Israel- Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in coffins.

  2. they are dead

  3. Duh.   DEAD.

  4. No !!!

  5. sadly ,dead.they have been buried yesterday.

    we do not leave soldiers behind.

    we do our best to bring them home,however painful the cost is.our children mean more to us than that horrid murderer who was released.

  6. No, murdered. Their killers and the liars who support and defend them will have to answer to God. And, the meek shall inherit the Earth.

  7. DEAD

  8. no buddy they went to that big ball of flame in h**l.

  9. Egad Batmat, that got me surrounded!

    to answer your question I think they are not

  10. Hi TTT

    Looks like they were dead from day one


    Ms Miche  })

  11. No, they are dead.

    Olmert knew he was trading for dead soldiers remains it was leaked to the Israeli press before the exchange and then confirmed at exchange. We had already suspected they may be dead as the blood at the battle scene was immense but we never gave up hope.  G-d bless them.

    The swap occurred because in Judaism we care for our human beings in all matters of life and death there is sanctity. We are a nation that loves her children imagine being a parent not knowing where your child is.  Now we know and we can give sanctimonious blessings. This is painful to talk about.

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