
Are Germans good speakers of English?

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Are Germans good speakers of English?




  1. they are,a few people speak german, english is easier

  2. No, they are not. End of story.

  3. Depends on where you are.  In most major cities that have more tourists, you will find many Germans speak English.  As you move further out into the countryside and there is less of a need for them to speak it, you will see less of it.  Still, getting around Germany is pretty easy if you only speak English.

  4. Yes, I believe so.  I have worked w/international customers for over 20 years and the German's speak very well English, in fact probably the best vs. French, S. Americans I deal with although their's isn't that bad either.

  5. Ya

  6. In East Germany, where I live - not really...there is still a large Russian speaking community.

    In west  Germany...yes, they may be too scared to use it - but will understand and try ..

  7. I took German for 5 years and let me tell you, if they can speak that language they can speak anything!  German is a very hard language to speak, there are so many rules.  People perceive that German's do not speak our language well because they substitute certain sounds for letters.  Example, a w is sometimes said as v.

  8. yes  some  germans  can  speak  good  english  becuse  some  have  been  here  longer  then  outhers.

  9. father is german and speaks the english quite good!he speaks also the italian!

  10. Anglo-Saxon seems to me to be right in the middle of the German and English languages. So they are very close phonetically. This means that Germans who can speak English usually do so in a way that is comfortable for English people to understand. Though it does tend to come with a teensy-weensy bit of an accent.

  11. Yes most the ones I have run into...even the ones that don't you can have fun with by combining your tourist German with their tourist English...You can figure it out...there are a lot of common cognates...(words which are the same or similar)...They love to practice their English and I love to practice my German (which seems to disappear quickly as soon as you are not there anymore)....

  12. They certainly are. They are pretty good at german as well

  13. Actually most can speak fluent English, when they come here its us they have problems understanding, IE Georiges  an Scousers

  14. Yes, ve are , sankyou very much!

  15. In big tourist centers they speak English well but in rural areas the don't speak it as well.

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