
Are Hamsters Good Pets????????

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I'm thinking of getting a Syrian hamster. I've never owned a rodent before (just cats and dogs) and I would like to know from current hamster owners if they are good pets. Thank you!

ALSO..... do you find them better than mice and gerbils and rats?




  1. Hamsters make good pets about 80% of the time. I find that the Teddy Bear hamsters are the nicest. As long as you handle them gently then they are good. Oh and Gerbils are good too.


  2. syrian hampsters cant be in a teritory with another hampster or another female or they will fight i have a syrian hampster and another breed hampster my hamster fights with it and try to eat its ear very good breed to have beacause its gentel with people dont bight and loving they eat theyr good eaters too hope this helps:)

    written by a 8 yr old with a syrian and other breed

  3. Gerbils are a lot more active.

  4. no gerbils are the best

  5. Hamsters are wonderful pets. If you take care of them they are evan better pets. To take care of them:

    1. Change their food and water every day.

    2. Clean their bedding once a week.

    3. Do a total wash of their cage once a month.

    4. Play with them for at least 10 min. every day.

    Really that is all you have to do for a hamster. When you first get your hamster and put it in its cage do not mess with it for at least 2 days. You want to do this because you want it to gt used to its new home. Hope I helped!! Oh, and I almost forgot yes I like hamsters better than mice, gerbils, and rats. ♫

  6. they are good pets but i have found that rats are smarter and more affectionate

  7. I have two panda bear hamsters (syrians)! They are great animals and you really grow attached to them. Its like having your own little buddy. They are not expensive, they are nice, and are adorable. I would not go with gerbils, rats, or mice! Hamsters are perfect pets and trust me they are better then any other rodent. My one hamster I just cant set down because if i put him in his cage he will look at me with his big eyes at the little gate. Its the most adorable sight. My hammys love to snuggle and sleep in your hand. They truly are fun and you never get tired of them. Think of all the possibilitys! Even building cages is fun. And to add on to the fun you can enter them in hamster ball contests!! And they sometimes have hamster shows!!!!! It is a great experience trust me!

  8. I have a syrian hamster called Milo and hes lovely, they are very easy to tame and dont have a tendancy to bite if theyre handled often and theyre quite entertaining to watch as they climb around their cages or run like lunatics in their wheels. They are docile and not too quick, they are quite the escape artists so you have to make sure the cage is always securely shut. Theyre also nocturnal and can make alot of noise gnwaing the bars at night though. Rats can grow pretty big so if space is an issue then probably not a good idea, not too sure about gerbils but i think they like to be in pairs and the ones ive seen are extremely quick and jumpy, still cute though!

  9. Hamsters are pretty good pets, as long as you take good care of them. Also remeber to change their bedding and feed and give them water. Treats are also good as well.

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