
Are Republicans for the Rich People?

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Are Republicans for the Rich People?




  1. Rich and also poor stupids.

  2. Typically for the rich, those who want to be rich, and racist/prejudice people normally.

  3. My husband is in the army and im an ex marine, were both Republicans, but we sure as h**l aren't rich...thats the dumbest c**p ive heard in a while..maybe you should read up on things b4 u make a very general, liberal assumption such as that..

    I dont think Biden or Obama are living in rags, do you? hmmm..

  4. No we are the working , rephrase that very hard working folks who are trying to keep this country from becoming socialist with unrealistic idealistic dreams of the Dems.

  5. Yes, and the ignorant.

  6. Yes Republicans give handouts to the rich so they can lay around and live off their oil money and the sweat of the people who actually work, until the corporations run by these rich Republicans decide to outsource their employees' jobs to China, because they can pay the Chinese even less than they do Americans.  McCain says millionaires belong to the middle class, that tells you all you need to know about Republicans.  

  7. Alot of rich people will still get screwed if McCain gets elected, only the rich off of big oil and big oil co. and their family and friends, guess who is deeply connected......... you guessed it, John McCain!!

  8. U shouldn't over indulge the menatally challange.  Current welfare should be enough. You just have been sold to the idea that you need to expand such a corrupt system further still.

  9. No, but Deomcrats are for keeping people down.

  10. Yep.

  11. Look around the predominantly democratic congress and see how many poor people you find.  Don't stop there though see how many self made rich democrats you find.

  12. duh!

    there in bed with BIG CO. all the time

  13. One cannot exist without the other.

  14. They believe that creating an environment for businesses to invest and grow helps everyone. A good government would be the watch dog and regulate corruption.

    In the real world, however, the government tends to be corrupt itself. How can a corrupt government regulate anything.

    It makes me laugh, though, when all these democrats who live in energy sucking mansions, fly in leer jets, and ride in limos try and point the finger at the republicans as being for the rich.

    The democrats only pretend to be for the poor while they tax everyone into poverty.

  15. Well, follow the money.  Bush has:

    -given tax breaks to the rich

    -put social security in jeopardy

    -started a war for oil, fought by the sons/daughters of the poor & middle class

    -refused to initiate alternative fuels programs while his buddies profit from the oil industry.

    You decide.

  16. Stop reading DNC talking points and research it. No, they aren't just for Rich People.

  17. yes also for evangelicals (prolife/homophobe/etc) and people who vote for divisive reasons/ fear

  18. It used to be that only republicans were for the rich.  Now democrats are just as rich as republicans are.  Its a bold faced lie to say dems arent equally rich and involved in just as many corporations  as republicans are.  

    Gone are the days of the *yesteryear democrats*

  19. Yes and for evangelicals

  20. Most are for the elite. Alot of their wealth comes from old money, but they will be the first to tell someone to get a job and quit looking for handouts. Although its ironic they got a handout. We all dont start life equally and we all dont have the same opportunities in life. Most republicans believe opportunity is their for everyone and if you dont make it in life, then tough. I make pretty good money and alot of my colleagues are republican, but I'm democrat. They dont understand why I'm  democrat. I tell them that this world is not just about them and how much wealth they can accumulate. We are all people and we should help those who need our help. Now I know some people will slip through the crack and use the system, but what about the other 90% who genuinely need help. Crime escalates when people dont have opportunities or help.

  21. We are for the people that give us jobs,, so we can earn a salary to pay the taxes that support libs who are too lazy to work.  

  22. Yes. The are not for the middle or lower class! :P

  23. That's what Democrats tell people to get them to.. guess what? vote for Democrats

  24. Not at all, they are for those proud people that want to help themselves, and don't believe in free handouts.

  25. Republican's want everyone to have a shot at the American Dream.  We just feel that you need to work for it- not have it handed to you in the form of entitlements.  If a person is physically and mentally able to work- to produce- it benefits all of us.  Democrats on the other hand want to keep people in bondage to the government- giving them the bare essentials & making them grateful for it- (just grateful enough to continue to vote for them though).  It's sad to me that there are people out there that just choose to sit home & collect their welfare and food stamps rather than try to suceed & raise their children to suceed.

  26. well, considering mccain says anyone who makes under 5 million is considered average income.. i would say so,,

  27. Hope you`re smarter than that.

  28. If the shoe fits...

    Or as McCain "jokingly" put it...after all it's fun to "joke" about things like this..."anyone earning under 5 million is middle class"  Nyuk, nyuk...that was funny even as a "joke" was it not???

    Let me see...they have sunk America so deep into debt Canada's dollar rose 30 cents (and we thank you!!!) and American's homes are worth NOTHING...(and yes we're speculating on buying whatever we can get our hands on...don't you love being foreign owned?) and hmmm...such GREAT health care and education you have and lets declined everywhere....

    They have been amazing!!!

  29. certainly not. they don't want any more than necessary to join their elite little club, they want Americans to be poor. after all, that's the source of the majority of the military volunteers. How do you expect those warmongers to mong without cannon fodder?

  30. If any of you rabid right-wingers still doubt that after the last eight years, then you're hopeless. The Democratic party is the party of working class/middle class people. The Republican party is for rich people, rich corporations, and ignorant white trash who get fooled into voting against their own best interest. And if any of you think we'd be safer under a Republican, think back to what party allowed 9/11 to happen. Republicans are a complete joke. Thankfully, this 8 year nightmare is almost over!

  31. h**l yeah I'm for the rich people, and I'm for the people who can put in an honest day's work and don't sit around collecting MY d**n money via welfare.

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