
Are UFO's real??????

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are UFO's real and are aliens real?




  1. I don't think there are, and until the Discovery Channel or that thing on Mars finds something I stick by my answer!

  2. a flying object is an object that is in the air flying

    a UFO is just one of those that you cant identify at the time of observation

    theyre not that big a deal, and the explanation's always disappoint people who long for there to be aliens

  3. I've never seen an alien but I swear to god and i have a witness that will back my claim when I say I've seen a UFO before. I've always believed in UFOs but never in my wildest dreams did i think i'll ever see one but I did!!!

    I've know other people that has seen UFOs as well including my Brother and Sister - in - Law on they way to Dallas once!!


    Just watch this video man,this is clear cut evidence its hard to believe but i do believe in ufo's but what and where they come from nobody knows

  5. nobody really knows

  6. sure UFOs are REAL-people see unidentified flying objects all the time. but what each sighting is depends on what you think it might be.  

  7. of course

  8. You ask us why?

  9. There are many millions of people around the world who have seen them,  so yes they must be real, they cant all be wrong

  10. We are here and you are one of the chosen ones, Brad.  

  11. Yes one landed in my garden not so long ago. An alien came out, I asked if he would like a cup of tea but he refused it and asked if I had any KZZOPIERS or a least that what it sounded like. As I said I had none he told me to bu!!!!!!!! off and said he would try a better planet. Ungratfull little sod.

  12. "The Truth is out there"

  13. UFOs (Unidentifyed Flying Objects) are real. Wether or not they are spaceships is another question

  14. Yes and yesGen.6 ...the Nephilim.

  15. Yes,US atomic-powered craft for the most part.And yes,the aliens are demons.

  16. If something is flying and you can't ID it, it's a UFO. That doesn't make it an alien space ship, or a secret weapon. h**l yes they are real.

    Aliens? Step outside and look at the stars. With all those bright spots, do you really think there are no other intelligent beings? Check out the distance involved.  The likelihood that we have been visited is 0.

  17. Yes, they are real!  Bigfoot told me so.

  18. Many years ago people in Asia and Europe did not know of the existence of the other.Did it then mean that the other did not exist ?Some Humans

    are arrogant to think we are so special to be all alone in this vast Universe.Is it not possible that not all things have human form and walk like us.Is it not just possible that we are so simple in our present form to have the vision to see these other forms that are on a higher wave length than us ?

  19. Well - we are not even a speck in the universe - so i guess that if we are the only planet with beings then the odds on that would be huge - my feeling is that WE ARE NOT ALONE

  20. I never saw the ship she came in on, so i cant say ive seen a UFO, but my ex-fiancee was either from another planet or got taken over by ALIENS!! True! She was fine until she got the engagement ring on her finger, then all of a sudden she changed... started acting like a deranged being from another world!! Said she couldnt understand me anymore! Got all mental and jealous whenever i looked at another female of my own species!!! In the end she really lost it and started blurting out what must have been daft words in the ALIEN's mother tongue. Not even her (human) mother could understand her. When i left her she tried to use a tractor beam on me, well actually it was " my brothers'll kill ya!" Did she mean her Alien brethren from planet THARG??? I Never found out, cos fortunately she got her tentacles (literally) into another male earthling shortly afterward!! Poor soul! And to add insult to injury when i called up MI5 to report it, they said " someone will call you back" no-one did! I bet that's because theres a brood of aliens down there too!


    look around man, one minute people are riding bikes and now we are in space?!. its all back engineering from the 40's. the goverment keeps a tight regulations on what we are allowed to see on internet.

    all electronics are back engineered! the pyramid's structure cannot be replicate as precise as when it was built..even with modern technology.

  22. well since UFO means Unidentifyed Flying Object, then yeah.

  23. ask the gov

  24. NO

  25. no. simply no. the proof is always fake or not supported or its flimsy. and if there was life elsewhere, we probably would have found it by now. most "real" alien/spacecraft footage is fake, and i have every doubt in my mind that they do not exist. and if there is, we wouldnt believe that they were real when we saw them. simple as that. ps ufo=unidentified flying objects. like the other guy said, common sense tells you that there are objects that fly that are unidentified. ex, comets or bits of metal from outer space, falling into the atmosphere of our planet. AND alien means strange or unusual, weird to common people. so if someone saw something that they thought was abnormal, they could say they saw an alien. very broad concept, but aliens and ufo's are real, to an extent. not the little green men and spaceships though.
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