
Are all blue ray movies 1080p?

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Are all blue ray movies 1080p?




  1. Yes they are. But the rest of your system needs to also be 1080p compatible. This includes the player, your TV, and possibly your receiver depending on how you have it all hooked up. It is not quite as simple as many stores make it out to be.

    Also there is the fact that many movies do not make full use of 1080 lines of resolution due to being shot with different aspect ratios. Unfortunately when they made the 1080 standard they didn't bother to check if anything else uses that resolution and in fact most movies do not. That is why you will see black bars across the top and bottom of the screen.

  2. No, they are not... but read on.

    Blu-Ray discs can be encoded in a variety of format variations: 720/60p, 1080/60i, 1080/24p, etc, including both 1920x1080 and 1440x1080 versions of "1080". Given that the standard for film projection is 24 frames per second, however, it's pretty likely that films (and TV shows shot on film) will be delivered in 1920x1080/24p format. But a TV production shot in 1080/60i would of course be delivered on Blu-Ray in 1080/60i format. A TV production shot in 720/60p would likely be delivered in that format. It's entirely up to the studio.

    As with DVD, the format on disc is essentially independent of the format delivered to your TV. If you set your Blu-Ray player to output 1080/60i video, that's what you'll get into your TV, regardless of the format of the Blu-Ray disc itself. Similarly, if you select 1080/24p or 1080/60p (not all TVs and Blu-Ray players support either of these), the player will convert all video to the selected format.

  3. I'd say 99.9% of them are....I've only seen one or two that were 1080i.

  4. Good comment from hazydave.  I would only add that if the original programming is from TV (and therefore 60i) setting the player output to 1080/24p will look terrible. (Assuming your set will accept 1080/24p.)  1080/60p will be fine for anything.

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