
Are all our Families linked somehow????????

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So I believe everyone is related to eachother in the world but, do you think that your whole family tree with inter-marriage throguh the next family tree and so on, could we be related to everyone on earth not by blood but by marriage say the equivalent of you being a brother-in-law or something like that. So basicaly what I'm asking is if I keep tracing my family tree to each new persons family someone in my original tree married and had children with and kept doing that forever wouldn't it eventually end up with everyone accounted for on earth?




  1. Genealogy DNA seems to suggest that the human race comes from Africa about 100,000 years ago.  Actually some believe from one set of parents.

    Our differences is believed now to be to mutations.  At one time it was believed that natural selection was the reason certain types of people lived in certain areas.  Now it is believed that as our nomadic ancestors mutated or didn't mutate, certain types of people couldn't survive in certain areas.

    An example:  The sun is rich in Vitamin D.  It has been found that the minimum about of Vitamin D for a black African native is the maximum amount of Vitamin D someone of Northern European ancestry should have.   Today it is not such a problem. We have better protective clothing and housing and also sunscreen. Also we have Vitamin Supplements.  You might find in talking with your black coworkers that they take large amounts of Vitamin D unless they have an occupation that requires them to be in the sunlight a lot.

    Edit: Anybody that states they can trace their family history back to Adam and Eve has a family history that would not meet professional genealogical standards for documentation. Most Europeans did not have a surname until the last melennium.  Actually in England, most people had one by the end of the 14th century.  If you see a family history linking the British royal family to the Davidic line it is based on speculation.

    Edit: No doubt if you go back far enough you will find cousins married. Many people when transportation was by horse, horse and buggy or carriage did not have a chance to meet too many people from other places.  In a lot of small towns and villages, most people were related some place down the line  Your ancestry pyramids as you go back.  You go back 10 generations, you can be directly descended from over a thousand people. You go back 20 generations, you can be directly descended from over a million people.

  2. PROOF in genealogy is IMPOSSIBLE. Not only are modern records inaccurate much of the time, official records go back only about a century and a half AT THE MOST; for most countries, not even a century.

    I don't believe in fostering my own viewpoints; I don't agree with "Out of Africa", but that theory is currently in vogue.

    So, I suggest reading "Out of Africa" and such other books as:

    "Mapping Human History: Discovering the Past Through Our Genes" by Steve Olson.  On pp. 46 - 47, he is saying that practically the population of the entire world a MERE 1600 YEARS ago would be the ancestors of everyone alive today.  That's it: a mere 1,600 years ago.  He further states that everyone on earth today is descended from Nefertiti, Confucius and Julius Caesar (through his illegitimate children).

    He presents a remarkable case; read it (and other such books) and form your own opinion.

    One more thing: for obvious reasons (such as no paternity tests using DNA), no one before knew FOR SURE who the father of any given child was.  Even today paternity tests are NOT used except in rare cases, but they ASSUME (Means making an a__ out of U and Me) that the husband is the father.  Sometimes it is...

  3. No.

    The minute you put the words "I believe" into this, it stopped being genealogy.

    The point of genealogy is PROOF.  Not belief.

    I will not agree with the person that claims she "knows" persons who have traced to Adam and Eve, because they kept good records.  I will state that they are using records that are totally disputed, and matters of opinion.

    Everything you post/ ask, has to do with OPINIONS, and not how to verify who your ancestors are.  Doing genealogy is the exact opposite of that, by its very definition.

  4. We all came from one set of parents...Adam and Eve! Families that have kept good records actually have been able to trace their genes all the way back to them!

  5. Probably not.

    For example Aboriginals have been in Australia for at least 40,000 years if your ancestors came from England you would have to trace even further back than that to even have the remotest chance of getting a match.

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