
Are all races equal?

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Are all races equal?




  1. In essence, yes. In reality, no. Depending upon where you are, your race can be seen as a hindrance or as not an issue. Where ever one human being can subjugate another human being, it will happen. Look at what happened to the Armenians in Turkey during WWI. Look at what is happening to the Kurds in the Middle East. Look at what is happening to women all over the world. In some places, such as Japan and Korea, they go as far as to shun people of mixed parentage. In Vietnam, children born from American GI's and Vietnamese women are ostracized. If there is bias, there will be the misconception of non-equality.


  3. Instead of musing over the race question...why not look into the project of tracing the human genome.

    After you find out that there is but one race of humans alive on the planet, and what we are called, you can look into ethnicity.

    It will be an eye opener.

    One positive outcome, if you need such a boost:, think how superior you will feel to people who ask questions about...race.

  4. yes they are. the environment is making someone what is he. that means that if people from different races grow up in the same environment they would have the same potential for their activities mental motor etc

  5. of course they are ,we are all humans living in the same world and generally suffering the same problems, why should be any differentiation however there is a difference in the culture and how people deal with each other and the world around them that make difference based on the humanity that is all but talking about races greater than others is nonsense

  6. Yes, but not all cultures.

  7. Equal in what sense? The are certainly not the same.

  8. All races are not equal. But different races have their own speciality. India is the one country where people of all races are found.[Aryans(whites), dravidians(blacks),mongoloids].But still there is nothing called domination of one race over the other.

  9. Yes- all races are essentially equal.

    Cultures and their memes, attitudes, etc are not- some inarguably superior to many.

    Are all inteliligences equal?

    How do you define intelligence?

    What forms of intelligence are important?

    Is intelligence genetic or learnt or both?

    It's a political minefield I will not traverse, friend.

  10. The issue is nature versus nurture. Take the IQ test. All are "normed". That is, many people are tested to get the average, then the tests can be given with some validity. So who are the 'many people?"

    That's very important when you test someone that doesn't have English as their first language or who have grown up in a different culture. Imagine your score if we gave you a Japanese IQ Japanese.

    How do you eliminate the culture and upbringing of a person to get a valid measure of their race? If dropped in New York City would you know all the ins and outs of the culture there? What about being dropped in Alaska?

    Any comparision of race must have this issue eliminated. Some years ago a book "The Bell Curve" suggested that there was a racial gap in intelligence. It sparked a major debate with many criticizing the conclusions.

    General observation, those that believe that there's inequality in races  often have a concern that they won't measure up.

  11. How often do you have to be told , there are no 'RACES' only the one human race.

  12. ummm... politically?  in strength? intelligence?

    what in the wide world of sports are you talking about?
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