
Are any of you guys adopted?

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i am.and proud of it but i also know my real parents too and family.




  1. Yes! I am adopted and proud of it. I was born on August 8,1981. My birthmother was of the Caucasian race. And, my birthfather was biracial. I really wish I knew what he was mixed with because I get asked the same question all of the time! My information about him is very limited because all of the information came from my birthmother. Apparently, my birthfather was very abusive towards her, so early on in her pregnancy, she knew she wanted to give me up for adoption. My birthfather left my birthmother when she was six months pregnant. When I was born, my birthmother told everyone in her family that I was stillborn so they have no idea that I exist, nor does my birthfather. She feared that he would try to come back and find me and/or have custody of me. I was taken care of by a foster family for about three months. Within this time, they named me Anne and that carried over to my parents who have raised me since then. I have three wonderful brothers and two loving parents. My parents always tell me about the day that they came to look in the nursey and how they chose me out of all the other babies. They said they looked at me and said, "That's the one!" I feel blessed about this and am proud of it. So many people think that I will be offended when they inquire but I am not. It's a part of who I am and where I came from. Unfortunately my birthmother passed at the age of 24 from a stroke/brain aneurism. I wish I at least had a picture of my birthparents just to see what they looked like. Oh well.....I consider myself an angel that got placed in the hands of the right people. Adoption is a beautiful thing!

  2. when i older i want to adopt a child!

  3. No I'm not but I would love too if I was more financially sound.

  4. Yes I am, but I have no interest in finding my birth parents

  5. Yes, I'm adopted. I was just a week old when my parents 'got' me. I do not know my biological family (the people who raised me are my 'real' parents).

  6. Yep I was brought home from the hospital at 3 days old. I am so glad i was adopted!!! I have talked with my birth mother through letters when I was 14 and she kind of stalked me with phone calls and beeping me on my pager. ( which was the cool thing to have back in my days! ) She was only 14 when she had me and Birth father I don't think even knows I exist. I never want to meet my birth mother in real life. I love the parents I was given through adoption!! Thank goodness for those teens out there who are smart enough to let their baby up for adoption!!  It was the best thing for my life! I am now married and have 3 kids. I do sometimes wonder how my birth mom is doing. I know she has struggled with drugs for a long time. But, oh, well.

  7. one of my friends is... but he doesn't know his real family.... =[

  8. yes.

  9. Im not no, sorry lad.

  10. Yes i'm adopted since 3 days old. My adoptive mom took care of my birth mom while she was preg. with me. They stayed in touch for a few years then it faded. I always knew i was, but as i got older i started having more and more problems with it. I always knew who birth parents were, names and where they lived, i'm not sure if that helped or hindered the situation. As of today birthparents are married and had another baby younger than me. She found me about a year ago and we have been close ever since. Recently reunited with birthparents, adoptive parents were very supportive. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  11. If you are "proud of it" then why are you denying your adoptive parents of their role in your life by insinuating they are not your "real" parents. They are very "real" are referring to your "birthparents" I assume.

  12. I am adopted but do not know my real parents. I was adopted via an agency in the early 80's when everything was kept really private. I am still trying to decide if I will ever begin to search for my birth parents.

  13. My mom is my biological mother and my biological father was abusive, so she left.

    I was fortunate enough that she found a wonderful man that was good enough to adopt me. While he is not my father, he is my dad!!!

  14. I am not but I wish if  She would Adopt me

    I love her, more than that I care her, like a small baby

    but still feel like a small kid before her

    Like a very small kid who can't live without her mother

  15. Yes, I have had several phone conversations with birth mother but no plans to meet in person.

  16. I am & I don't know anything about my biological family.

    I always knew I was adopted & that was never a life issue with me.

  17. no but if you know you know your real parents it must be hard to juggle them with your other parents

  18. yeah I am . i went to a foster home for like 6 months to a year and those people were crazy. the other foster girls were fighting and throwing things and cussing while their sons were nice and didn't treat me wrong. then i moved to my family and went through a phase of life in a confine environment to totally stressed out. i am glad yours was pleasant though.

  19. no i'm not  but i know a lot of people who are.

  20. I am glad that you are proud to be adopted and also

    know your biological parents as well. Some that have

    been adopted have not been as fortunate. Its good to

    hear the positives.


  21. I was adopted from Russia.

  22. my friend is and she knows her real mom.. but shes a .. bad word ... haha

    but shes happy with the family she has now

  23. No, I'm not but I'm glad you had a good life.

  24. Nope not me. Do you get along with your real parents and family? answer this ? on additional info! ♥ ya

  25. yup! i was adopted when i was 10 and i know my biological mother and brothers and sisters

    would not change it for the world.

  26. yes, i am ...

  27. That is cool, I am not adopted, though I think I was unplaned.

  28. Sometimes I wish I was! These people are weird.

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