
Are apples ok for dogs?

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I have read conflicting information.

If they are how much is too much or is there no limit?




  1. The fruit of the apple is okay for dogs to eat.

    The seeds of the apple are toxic.


  2. The fruit is fine, just not the seeds. Though a lot of dogs don't like apples anyway.

  3. Apples are fine treats for your dog.  I wouldn't give him the entire thing, but if you quarter it and then slice one of those quarters into three pieces ... it's a good treat.

  4. Yes Apples are ok but you can't give it to them whole you have to cut it up so they don't choke I wouldn't give more then one once in a while .Chocolate is poison for Dogs.

  5. as far as I know they are ok, we give our boston terrier apple slices on occasiona and he loves them! we do limit how much because it upsets his tummy if too much

  6. Apples are fine. As with any change in the diet, too much can cause diarrhoea. A piece (as in a quarter or two) is enough in a day for a medium (10-25kg) dog.

    Be sure to remove the seeds as they contain cyanide. So do most stone fruit seeds.

  7. Yes, they are o.k. for dogs. I wouldn't feed them whole apples (no stem, core, or seeds) but pieces of apple are o.k.

    I wouldn't feed them a lot of apples, because they will get diarrhea. If you have a recipe for something that includes apples, or if they want a slice of your apple it is just fine though.  

  8. yea I think dog loves them

    sdo not feed it grapes tho...they r horrible force dog it was on the news a while back

  9. You can feed a dog the apple, but the seeds are toxic to dogs.

  10. Yes it is ok to feed your god a apple. just don't feed it apple all the time it could make them sick  

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