
Are bicycles cars too?

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Can I ride my bicycle on the street? Mainly in the left turn lane, because I would hate to get a ticket for riding on the sidewalk. I live in cupertino,CA by the way. Basically, can I ride in the street with all the cars when I have to, or do I need to stay in the bike lane or on the sidewalk?




  1. I would ask the DMV or bike shops if they have a copy of the local laws.  Alternatively you should be able to pull up a copy of the bicycling laws for California (and/or your city) online.  Generally, bicycles have THE SAME RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS MOTOR VEHICLES.  There are some nuances (should generally ride as close as "practicable" to the right side of the road), etc.  Bob Mionski is a lawyer who specializes in bicycling law and I believe he just came out with a great book on the subject.  Check out and you will find some of his articles and opinions.  Ride safe!

  2. You can ride on the sidewalk in Cupertino. As long as you give right of way to pedestrians.

  3. you have to abide by the rules a car does....l

  4. I'm in CA, too.

    Check CA DMV site.  It's all there.  However, some municipalities attempt (successfully or not) to place additional regulations for cycling in their areas.  Check your city.

    Under the Vehicle Code, when a bike lane is present, you can leave the bike lane...

    ...when repositioning yourself for a turn from a left turn lane

    ...when preparing to make a right turn

    ...when hazards (debris, obstructions, etc) prevent you from continuing in the bike lane.

    If your streets have sufficient width and traffic conditions for safe cycling for your skill level, you're probably better off riding on the street.  Sidewalks have their own hazards and are best left for pedestrians and young people on bikes, skateboards, scooters, etc.

    Adopt the same practices of a safe, competent automobile driver.  "Drive" your bike as such.

  5. Check with your state's motor vehicle department.

    I live on the east coast and bicycles and mo-peds are considered moving vehicles, therefore they can be driven on roadways.  For the operators safety it is recommended they be driven on the shoulder or right-side of the road.  Some towns actually have laws against riding them on the sidewalk.

  6. They are not technically cars, but are classified as vehicles under the traffic law. They must abide by all traffic laws, such as stop signs, red lights, yielding to pedestrians, signalling turns, etc.

    You may ride in the left turn lane as long as you are turning left. When riding on the road, you should stay to the right as far as practical.  You don't have to "hug the curb", you are entitled to a piece of the road to avoid potholes, strorm drains, broken glass, etc.  If there is a designated bike lane, you should use it.

    Check your state's D.O.T. website for bike traffic laws. Here's a link to New York's:

  7. Bicycles must obey the same laws as motor vehicles. This is a partial copy of the bike laws in Texas....

    Sec. 551.101. Rights and Duties.


    (a) A person operating a bicycle has the rights and duties applicable to a driver operating a vehicle under this subtitle, unless:


    (1) a provision of this chapter alters a right or duty; or


    (2) a right or duty applicable to a driver operating a vehicle cannot by its nature apply to a person operating a bicycle.
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