
Are bodybuilders unflexible?

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Are bodybuilders unflexible?




  1. Nope. As long as they do stretches they remain flexible. Granted, they aren't going to be contortionists...but they can still be pretty flexible it not more flexible than an average person.

  2. OH, yes they are unflexible.

    Muscle atrophy is not strength, its a constant injury that is in a state of constant recovery.

    If you hit me in my eye, and my eye swelled, I wouldnt be able to blink much or smile. If you hit it again five days later, it would swell larger and swell larger and I would have less range.

    I did bodybuilding for twenty years and just recently stopped over the last year. Not because I cant, god knows I could easily go back into it and do what I was before. But because I found there is a HUGE difference between muscle size and strength. Yes a bodybuilder can do massive amounts of weights based on the fact that there are only core motions they do and familiarity will make them be able to lift more. But ask one to do more that fifteen pull ups or twenty push ups. They cant.

    Strength takes alot more work and range of training. Bodybuilding just takes damaging the muscles. By consequence, while they are in this recovery phase (post workout), they do lose range.

  3. Thats a huge myth. I can kiss my ankles.

    At my peak off season weight in my late twenties I was 260 lbs (at about 12% BF) and that was too bulky. I mean I could reach my thing to take a leak but my body did feel too big to be graceful. I also had problms if I had an itch on certain parts of my body that i could not reach. Thats what i think people confuse with bodybuilders being inflexible.

  4. It's not that their unflexible but they become to bulky that their range of motion lessens.

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