
Are books more important than experience?

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Are books more important than experience?




  1. Could you please explain the question a little?  Are you referring to all books in general?  What experience do you mean?  And in terms of what?!!!  

  2. They are if you're learning to read.

  3. Of course not. They are a great resource, but they are written by someone whose perception of things is invariably different from yours.

  4. huh? you mean if knowledge is more important than experience? i think you need both but also depends on the situation.  

  5. Watch "Good WIll Hunting", there is your answer!!

  6. It depends on the individual person......or at least I believe so.

    some people can be very ( hmmm looking for the right word ) perceptive.. (??) and can read from a book and get a form of experience from the book WITHOUT being in the situation the book is about.

    Some people can not learn without experiencing.. I'll give a lame example .. You tell somebody NOT to touch an item because it is VERY HOT .. you tell them several times... BUT .. they still touch it and burn their fingers.

    many people who do not get the opportunity to experience can learn from books.....

    experience is fleeting in it's moment.. books are always there.

  7. no i dont think so also you can take a advice a expert from

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