
Are cheap contacts really risky?

by  |  earlier

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I'm always hearing horror stories of how contacts that are not prescription lenses will damage your sight. The only problem is that prescription lenses cost so much more, especially to change the color of your eyes. So I want to hear from people who've tried the cheap lenses and to hear your side of the story and also find some good places I could buy cheaper lenses that have worked well for you.

Your help is greatly appreciated!




  1. I am from Singapore. I use permanent contact lenses. I have quite a high degree and asmatigsm, so I have no choice. Anyway, it's quite reasonably priced too. I change them once every 2 years. And I use multipurpose solution to clean and store them.  

  2. My contacts are only £10 a month from specsavers, direct debit, i think that is really cheap!! its extra for the colours though

  3. I've never tried cheap contacts, but yes, they can damage your eyes.  

    Mostly it is because they need to be fitted for your eyes.  Not all contacts are the same size and not all eyes are the same size.  If you wear the wrong size, they may just move around and be irritating or they may damage your cornea.

    Another problem is infections.  Contacts not bought through a doctor could be from anywhere and could have been through anything.  The packages they come in can be resealed, meaning even if they look brand new, they may not be.

    Also, people who buy contacts from a store or market usually don't know how to care for them.  (In fact there are questions on here that ask things like "I just got colored contacts.  How do I clean them?  How do I store them?")  Proper care needs to be taught in person by a qualified professional to make sure the patient understands what he/she is doing.  Follow-up visits are also necessary to monitor your eye health while wearing the lenses.

    Finally, selling contacts without a doctor's prescription (in the U.S.) is illegal.  So if you buy the "cheap" contacts, not only will you be risking your eye health, you'll be breaking the law.

    I know it's tempting to try to save money, and it probably isn't too hard to find colored lenses at a flea market or costume shop, but I wouldn't recommend it.

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