
Are cheerleaders actually spoiling the culture?

by Guest65297  |  earlier

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If YES, I found a interesting link for you, my MORAL POLICE pals -

Read the comments and maybe you can open your eyes to reality !




  1. It is said that they accept it on TV from another country but do not want to see them live in the stadiums. L0L.

    I have said it all in the previous Q so will not repeat. We have crossed boundaries of cultures through Bollywood movies.  And families sit together watching them. Like Dhoom 2.

    Double Standards everywhere.



    And, Best wishes  to all of you here.

    YA is 2 years old today.


    wonder which prude user is giving us all TD.

  2. In what way are they spoiling culture?

    Culture isn't static. It changes and grows with time, and increased knowledge. If you don't change you die.

    I find this article very interesting.

    Have you ever watched films from Bollywood? That's India's movie industry in case you didn't know.

    They show cleavage and bare mid drifts as well! Talk about dancing furiously!  

    Why aren't these women's activist groups protesting them?

    What makes these cheerleaders any different? The fact that they have short skirts and pom-poms?

    Oh yeah...the don't because Bollywood is an accepted part of their culture!


    Jealousy is an emotion and it's going to happen whether there are cheerleaders or not.

    Some people are always going to feel superior to others for what ever reason. Looks, intelligence, money and so on; And others are going to be jealous of those who have those things. It's nothing new and it's never going to go away!

    Not it's not just "ugly" girls that protest. It's those who think these women are being objectified and feel that society places too much value on physical appearance and that it's holding women back.

    This may be true in some cases, but it's been happening way before cheerleaders ever hit the scene!

    Oh and I went to a school where half the cheerleaders were over weight.

  3. Well  i think you are right i agree with your point.

  4. Cheer leaders are just part of the entertainment package that IPL promises to bring to our TV sets. If you dont like the entertainment you can switch off the telly, or change the channel, but you cant in your right sences and in this modern age expect and force others to like what you like, make them watch what you watch, or maybe in this case, expect them to live in a cave, because you live in one!

  5. no

  6. Well, cheerleaders are not an "Indian" thing, and anytime you bring Western concepts into a non-Western nation, it can begin to spoil the culture. Bollywood does promote beauty, but most of the Bollywood films are so innocent. Cheerleaders can be quite sk*nky with their dance moves. It's very sexual, and India does not promote that sort of behavior.

    ***the "shut up and lose some weight" comment is definitely spawned by the media, which is influenced by the West. Curvy girls do not have to be "ugly". Also, I don't think that cheerleader is from India. Opinions differ with culture, you know?

  7. i honestly don't care about the "cultural effect" i don't want cheerleaders in cricket b/c crickets got nothing to do w/ them and its not a cheerleader sport. lets go to america, the closest thing to cricket is baseball. do u EVER see cheerleaders in baseball?

  8. Cheerleaders are evil.

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