
Are cheese toasties bad for you?

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If you're American, I think you call them "grilled cheese sandwiches".




  1. wHY WouLD it Be BaD? Its food and you need it. Plus its good!!!

  2. cheese = fat

    bread = gluten and high GI carbs

    therefore cheese toasties = bad

  3. Everything in moderation. A low fat cheddar in granary wholemeal bread that is made without too much better or low fat spread on the outside of the bread wouldn't be too bad. And if you don't usually eat a lot of cheese, then it's fine to have every so often. Of course if you have one every day then it is too much as it would contain far too much saturated fats, in fact I think it has recently been shown that an average medium cheddar cheese sandwich on white bread contains more fat than a full English breakfast and about 700 calories - around a quarter of the daily allowance.

    But, don't punish yourself, they taste awesome and there's definitely a good way to make it reasonably healthy and I don't think there's that much taste difference between the cheeses and breads once it's been toasted anyway. Of course - if you're adding other things like ham or bacon then it's just going to add to its unhealthiness, but if, like me, you're a vegetarian or prefer to add onions, tomatoes, etc. then it's a pretty decent snack. And the fact that it keeps you pretty full for quite a long time means that you may well end up snacking on even worse things anyway.

  4. lets just hope not toasties are SOOOOOOOO good i had one earlier

  5. Cheese can be bad for your heart and the toasties can make you fat so yes they are bad for you.

  6. Cheese is full of fat but is just sooooooo nice!

  7. Only if you eat too much of the cheese part since it's very fatty. Eaten in moderation, any food is fine.

    I wish cheese wasn't as fatty as it is - I'd eat it more often if it wasn't.

  8. Like everything else...a LITLLE bit of what you fancy does you good!

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