
Are chihuahuas inside or outside dogs?

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I'm recently getting divorced and moved back in with my parents. I was able to convince them to let me have my 2 Chihuahuas at our house. We've been here since April and now my step dad is saying they have to stay outside. I have done research that says they are inside dogs. I can't do that to them is this right help!!




  1. for number one a chihuahua is an inside dog. they are not an outside dog. i have 4 chihuahua's 2 pure bred and 2 chihuahua/rat terrier mixed and they are inside dogs along with my 116lb rottweiler she is an inside dog as well. then if you can't have your pets then give them to a person that will take good care of them cause they aren't an outside dog. no little dogs are an outside dog.

    The Chihuahua's size makes it a wonderful dog for people who live in small city apartments. The breed is very hardy and adaptable, but it must live inside a home or an apartment, the Chihuahua should not live outside. Chihuahuas are good travelers and can easily go anywhere with their owners..

    Chihuahuas are not outside dogs. They are at home in apartments, as well as in the country. Due to their size, they should never be left unattended outdoors as birds and other wildlife will make them easy prey. This breed does well with novice or first-time dog owners.

    if you leave them outside other dogs can fight with them and maybe kill them and birds like a hawk can fly down and take your dog away and you won't ever see your dog again. i would just give them to a friend or someone that will take very good care of them.

    chihuahua gets cold at nite i know cause my 2 pure breds go under the covers and they like where its warm.

  2. they are indoor dogs yes they can spend sometimes out side but they need to be inside a lot  

  3. Yes, look at the size of them they can't stay outside.

    Unless you live in a year round warm climate place where it never gets cold, they are inside dogs...small dogs should not live outdoors

  4. no such thing as a outside dog really ALL breeds are better inside from chihuahua's to a bull mastiff

  5. Chihuahuas are inside dogs. They will die outside. If you are forced to put them out then find other owners for them. That is not even an option for those little guys.  What is that man saying?

    No dog should ever be outside all the time but especially these little guys. What is the reason he wants them outside?

  6. Chis are inside dogs, yes.

    Small dogs are companions, they would get very lonely outside.

    They also do not have the proper coat for outside, they would easily get sick or die from exposure to heat, cold or other weather.

    They are vulnerable to attacks from other animals that wander into the yard.

    If your step dad is trying to force them out, then please try to find yourself a place where you can keep your dogs, or rehome them to another home where they will be inside pets.

  7. They are inside dogs and will not survive high heat and extreme cold, for starters. I am appalled at your mom and step dad for even thinking about this! Good grief!!

  8. They make better inside dogs.  Because of they're size, they don't do well with temperatures too hot or too cold.  Also, they are more at risk of getting stolen outside not omly because of their size, but they are also worth a lot of money.  They're too small to defend themselves if a mean kid walks by the yard and tries to mess with them.  Or a big cat could also hurt them outside.  I don't let my little chihuahua (Diva) out in the yard for long periods of time.  As long as your dogs are trained, I don't see what the big deal is.  Maybe you could compromise w/ your dad and keep them on one side of the house.

  9. They are house dogs! If you can't keep them inside,it would be better to re-home them.If it gets cold at all where you live,they will die.Also hawks and owls will eat Chihuahuas,and so will coyotes if you have them where you live. Even a good-sized cat could kill a Chihuahua.

  10. there inside dogs 1st of all there size its for u to have them inside if they arent give them away or something its not rite having them outside  

  11. well if they dont use the restroom in the house i dont understand why he doesnt want them in the house but as little as they are it is not safe to have them outside             answer mine

  12. no they are inside dogs with their short coats they cannot handle being outside for long periods of time.

  13. Wow.  What does your mother have to say about it?

    They are indoor dogs.  When it starts getting colder, there is no way they would be OK outside.  Even in the heat...

    Personally, I don't think any dogs should be purely outside dogs.

    Again, sit down with your family and have another talk.

  14. INDOOR.

    as most dogs should be.

    your dad should try staying outside 24/7 for a week...

  15. there inside dogs  

  16. Chihuahuas are NOT outside dogs.They are small and need to be indoors. They are sensitive to heat and cold and are definately not a breed that can stay outside ALL the time..

    As a matter of fact, no dog is an outside dog.  

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