
Are communication skills necessary? Explain why?

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Just in general...Are communication skills necessary/unecessary. Justify your view.




  1. so as brains my dear!

  2. of course. you spend 99.64% of your life talking to someone.

  3. The ability to communicate effectively is the most important skill you can have, whether you're giving speeches, pitching ideas to your boss, or simply sending off an email or leaving a voice message. These resources will help you hone those skills.

    Many jobs require you to express yourself clearly in writing, whether you must write internal memos, correspond with clients, or design sales materials. Fortunately, effective writing is a skill you can learn. Here are valuable tips and resources.

    Email Etiquette

    You use email to communicate with your boss, colleagues, clients, or prospective employers. You should be aware of some basic email etiquette, sometimes known as netiquette since your correspondence says a lot about you.

    Business meetings present the opportunity to network with colleagues. Find out how to get the most out of business meetings and eliminate some of the stress you might experience.

    Good listening skills will make you a more productive worker. The ability to listen carefully will allow you to better understand assignments and what is expected of you as well as help you build rapport with co-workers, bosses, and clients.

    Email is increasingly becoming the primary way many of us communicate with one another. The only impression others have of us may be the one they get when they read our email messages. That is why it is so important to take great care in composing those messages. Before you hit the send button, ask yourself these questions.

    Many people find attending a business conference difficult. And rightfully so. Meeting many people and being inundated with new information is overwhelming and stressful. Learn how to eliminate some of that stress and make the most of the conference.

    At some point your boss may ask you to take minutes at a meeting. Since the minutes will serve as an official record of what took place during the meeting, you must be very accurate. Here are some pointers to help you master this skill.

    In any communication at least some of the "meaning" lost in simple transmission of a message from the sender to the receiver. In many situations a lot of the true message is lost and the message that is heard is often far different than the one intended. This is most obvious in cross-cultural situations where language is an issue. But it is also common among people of the same cuture.

    Look at the example. Terry has what appears to be a simple message to convey-she won't make it to work today because of nausia. But she had to translate the thoughts into words and this is the first potential source of error. Was she just trying to convey that she would be late; was she trying to convey anything else. It turns out she was. She was upset because she perceived that her co-workers weren't as sympathetic to her situation as they should be. Her co-workers, however, were really being pressured by Terry's continued absences, and her late calls. They wished she would just take a leave of absence, but Terry refuses because she would have to take it without pay.

    Thus what appears to be a simple communication is, in reality, quite complex. Terry is communicating far more than that she would miss work; she is conveying a number of complex emotions, complicated by her own complex feelings about pregnancy, work, and her future.

    She sent a message but the message is more than the words; it includes the tone, the timing of the call, and the way she expressed herself.

    Similarly, the boss goes through a complex communication process in "hearing" the message. The message that Terry sent had to be decoded and given meaning. There are many ways to decode the simple message that Terry gave and the way the message is heard will influence the response to Terry.

    In this case the boss heard far more than a simple message that Terry won't be at work today. The boss "heard" hostility from Terry, indifference, lack of consideration, among other emotions. Terry may not have meant this, but this is what the boss heard.

    Communications is so difficult because at each step in the process there major potential for error. By the time a message gets from a sender to a receiver there are four basic places where transmission errors can take place and at each place, there are a multitude of potential sources of error. Thus it is no surprise that social psychologists estimate that there is usually a 40-60% loss of meaning in the transmission of messages from sender to receiver.

    It is critical to understand this process, understand and be aware of the potential sources of errors and constantly counteract these tendencies by making a conscientious effort to make sure there is a minimal loss of meaning in your conversation.

    It is also very important to understand that a majoring of communication is non-verbal. This means that when we attribute meaning to what someone else is saying, the verbal part of the message actually means less than the non-verbal part. The non-verbal part includes such things as body language and tone.

    Barriers to Effective Communication

    There are a wide number of sources of noise or interference that can enter into the communication process. This can occur when people now each other very well and should understand the sources of error. In a work setting, it is even more common since interactions involve people who not only don't have years of experience with each other, but communication is complicated by the complex and often conflictual relationships that exist at work. In a work setting, the following suggests a number of sources of noise:

        * Language: The choice of words or language in which a sender encodes a message will influence the quality of communication. Because language is a symbolic representation of a phenomenon, room for interpreation and distortion of the meaning exists. In the above example, the Boss uses language (this is the third day you've missed) that is likely to convey far more than objective information. To Terry it conveys indifference to her medical problems. Note that the same words will be interpreted different by each different person. Meaning has to be given to words and many factors affect how an individual will attribute meaning to particular words. It is important to note that no two people will attribute the exact same meaning to the same words.

        * defensiveness, distorted perceptions, guilt, project, transference, distortions from the past

        * misreading of body language, tone and other non-verbal forms of communication (see section below)

        * noisy transmission (unreliable messages, inconsistency)

        * receiver distortion: selective hearing, ignoring non-verbal cues

        * power struggles

        * self-fulfilling assupmtions

        * language-different levels of meaning

        * managers hesitation to be candid

        * assumptions-eg. assuming others see situation same as you, has same feelings as you

        * distrusted source, erroneous translation, value judgment, state of mind of two people

        * Perceptual Biases: People attend to stimuli in the environment in very different ways. We each have shortcuts that we use to organize data. Invariably, these shortcuts introduce some biases into communication. Some of these shortcuts include stereotyping, projection, and self-fulfilling prophecies. Stereotyping is one of the most common. This is when we assume that the other person has certain characteristics based on the group to which they belong without validating that they in fact have these characteristics.

        * Interpersonal Relationships: How we perceive communication is affected by the past experience with the individual. Percpetion is also affected by the organizational relationship two people have. For example, communication from a superior may be perceived differently than that from a subordinate or peer

        * Cultural Differences: Effective communication requires deciphering the basic values, motives, aspirations, and assumptions that operate across geographical lines. Given some dramatic differences across cultures in approaches to such areas as time, space, and privacy, the opportunities for mis-communication while we are in cross-cultural situations are plentiful.

  4. d**n chopper, writting a freakin essay already

    good communication skills are not necessary but very good thing to have when maximizing your friendships, family life, financial matters and work environment.

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