
Are democrats getting desperate? ?

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Calling Pailn inexperienced?

Shes a former mayor; Former Chairman, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and is currently the governor of Alaska...

Is that really inexperience?





    No. How can you people be so backasswards?

    obama makes his speech last night and in desperation mccain picks an inexperienced female as his vp! (knowing that most conservative republican males are closeted homosexuals and misogynists that hate/fear women)

  2. The liberals have started flooding this board with falsehoods.

    Palin is the best thing that has happended since sliced bread.

    Sarah Palin is brilliant and articulate and, in Alaska politics, is a breath of fresh air as an alternative to their corruption epitomized by Ted Stevens "Bridge to Nowhere", She Veto'd the "Bridge" Earmark.  Now Obama, who has spent two years preventing a woman from being president, Now McCain has vividly demonstrated the difference.  Sarah Palin is no d**k Cheney!

    She has stood up to the Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Big Oil companies.

    She wants to clean up Pork Barrel spending.  That alone qualifies her by my standards.  $Millions in farm subsidies are right now going to New York Penthouse executives that aren't even farmers, they own a vacant piece of land and claim they farm.  Outrageous Pork Govt. giveaways!  That's the Democratic corruption she will attack.

  3. Well, it is an arguably legitimate swipe at McCain's running mate.  What do you expect them to do, say she would make a great VP?  I did not hear a lot of praise directed at Biden from the McCain campaign

  4. mccain is effin crasy and im moving to canada fo sho

  5. i agree with you, the democrats can't say anything good about biden.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  6. Yes,they are.  She has more executive experience then Agent Bamboozle aka Obama.

  7. About as experienced as little georgie bush

  8. Well compared to ALLLLLLLLLLL  the experience Obama has she must be.  Yes they are getting desperate and please note my initial sarcasm.

  9. She spent little time in all those roles.  Beyond that her experience level is still about on par with Obama, if anything, who is currently being railed on for having too little experience.  And if she has enough experience, so does he.  By making her his VP, McCain has put himself in a double bind.

  10. Obama was in the Illiniois State Senator for 7 years and has been in the Senate since 2005, so is that really inexperience..?

    And I don't think Palin is inexperienced either. The argument that some Democrats are using is that she has less experience than Obama, who has been attacked by Republicans for being inexperienced.

    She is, however, a MILF.

  11. Yes--a mayor of a town of 5,000 and a governor for less than 2 years.  What foreign policy experience does she have?  Is she experienced enough to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

    This was a Hail Mary choice by McCain.  He's the desperate one.

  12. Yes, and rightfully so. They have a lot to be concerned about.

  13. She was picked for two reasons, to attract Hillary supporters (like women are stupid enough just to vote for her because she's female) and to attract conservatives (because of her right wing beliefs)

  14. They've been desperate, now they're gonna go over the edge because they know they will lose the election.

  15. Yes. Because you're supposed to have EXPERIENCE in matters of foreign policy, the nation's economy, military matters, and such things like that--at least that's what McCain's suppprters keep telling me that this is what McCain has. (That will get him elected as President.)

    Then he picks someone who doesn't have ANY experience whatsoever...?

    Real smart, John.

  16. Absolutely not desperate. As a Democrat, I'm delighted. Palin is the gift that we've been waiting for

    Obama 08!

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