
Are eating disorders hereditary?

by Guest58297  |  earlier

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i'm just curious. i heard this somewhere and wondering whether or not it's true...




  1. it can be. or not. i have anorexia nervosa and it runs strongly in my family but i have a friend who struggles also and shes the only one in her family to have any kind of eating disorder

  2. yes it is =S Studies have shown that 58% to 76% of the occurrence of anorexia nervosa can be attributed to genetic factors.

  3. no it is not.

    Eating Disorders are psychologically related. They are issues that driven from inner problems and are used as a tool to deal with real life problems. Basically using it as an umbrella to hide the real problems.

    They are cured with psychological help and understanding of the dangers involved in these disorders

  4. I would say yes, my experiance in the field of psychology and some genetics points to heredity as a factor in disorders.  Simple phobias have been shown to have genetic genesis.  I wrote a decent paper in this area in attempt to show that certain fears may be of evolutionary source.  On the other hand I would have to say that societal factors play a larger role in the incidence of eating disorders, though I have no evidence to cite in this regard.  Surely it is a blend of both but genes are likely a factor.

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