
Are empaths in a way psychic?

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I just recently discovered that im an empath.




  1. Yes in a way they are .a real psychic can read your aura .the way you pick up on peoples feelings and pain. until you learn to control it i would stay away from any one in great pain you wont hurt physically but you could get a depressed feeling or become tired.

  2. "Psychic" is a really broad term.  It can apply to anything from carnival fortune tellers to 'finders'.

    Empathy is a specific ability.  I wouldn't call it psychic because it has its own name.

  3. Hello Naomi

    Empathy is a psychic ability.


    Forum for Mind:Psychic:Spiritual Matters

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  4. Yes, in the same way that faeries are a kind of elf.

  5. Psychic is a generic term that covers all paranormal forms that a human can exhibit. Empathy is just another form, like telekinesis or mind reading.

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