
Are extreme feminists like the Borg?

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Star Trek's Borg say "you will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."




  1. Yes, I remember the Borg well, and yes, it is very akin to feminism in that the effect of both is to subjugate free individual thought to a common herd mind.

    Its aim is to de-humanise and it can clearly be seen in action today in gender politics and polcor (so-called political correctness). Shadowy figures pulling the strings and turning people into puppets.

    @Geek Girl: What were "Species 8472"? I don't recall them.

  2. That's funny.  :)

    (ponders this for a few moments)

    Nah. . . I'd place it at more like perhaps species 8472 (those ones fighting the Borg from a few episodes of Voyager).  People too far on the extreme don't really want to listen or learn from integrating others with different beliefs into their fold.  The Borg like to "add your biological and technological distinctiveness" to their own -- diversity must be good for the whole, then.  Extremists just want to exterminate everyone who's not like them.

  3. Yes. I think the Borg want everyone to be the same e.g. feminists want people to be gender neutral, equal wages for different work, all think alike etc. Also they don't engage in debate, and you can see that pretty clearly on G&WS.

    Do I think its a joke? No. I think feminism is doing incredible damage to men and gender relations all over the world (e.g. see Section 4 here

    and that isn't a laughing matter.

  4. Resistance is futile - so is this question.

  5. And just what is wrong with the Borg?

    ...tell me

    You will comply!

  6. Extreme Feminists are like the Spanish Inquisition to the tenth power.

    This is the most egregious form of catastrophe our society can face.

  7. I refuse to give in.  Pardon my pun; this is no joke.

    If I recall the Borg were destroyed.

  8. Highly illogical.

  9. yes they are :-D

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