
Are ferrets flexible???

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I was watching a movie and the ferret was REALLY flexible so I was just wonder if they really are that flexible or if it was special effects.




  1. They are pretty flexible, if you look at pictures of them, their backs are always kinda hunched.

  2. They are extremely flexible that is how they can move in and out of small entrances or arch their backs to  get under a door, if you watch a real ferret move or a weasle you would see it.

  3. ferrets are among the few animals (the weasel family, namely) with inverted spines - meaning the curve of their spine goes out, not in like humans.

    they are very flexible in that regard, but they cannot bend backwards because of the inverted spine.

  4. oh yea, and anything thier heads can get through, thier bodys can 2

  5. they have back bones...

    so it wouldnt be oky to bend them like slinkys .... my ferrets are just long... not really 'flexible'

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