
Are freckles cute????

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I have like 1,0000 million freckles.On my face,arms,and legs. Some people say i look ugly...




  1. no, theyre adorable.

  2. no their cute.

    they look the best on gingers

  3. Age spots are not cute, but freckles are really cute. :o)  Ignore those who say freckles are ugly; they're just jealous.  

  4. I have always thought freckles are hot. Most of the girls I've been attracted to or dated had freckles. Don't cover 'em up.

  5. no and neida r u gurl  

  6. Freckles are gods map of the universe. A bit of a cliché but the truth. Once you go out with a freckled girl there is nothing more original and on reflection memorable, wear them with pride. Your gorgeous :)  

  7. Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them. Freckles ROCK!

  8. i think freckles r cute. they make you who you are! thats a good thing!

  9. its not cute or ugly...

    your a ginger!!!!!

  10. Who are these "some people?"   Schoolkids are notoriously cruel.  I wouldn't worry about it . . .freckles are cool.   Depending on how old you are, you could always wear a light -- emphasis on LIGHT -- foundation to somewhat dim their appearance on your face (forget about the ones on your arms and legs).  Then put a couple of strokes of light blush across your cheeks, a light pink lipgloss, and you're good to go!

  11. i think it is ugly

  12. depends on the person.

    freckles on some people are cute. =]

  13. same same!

    i spent a whole lot of time worrying over what people thought about my freckles but it's useless, you can't change it

    and yes, it is cute, we're unique people!

    learn to love what you have


  14. same here!!!! i have a BAZILLION freckles and i hate every one of them!! ahahaha lol well its ok those ppl who say they hate them r just jelous cz they wish tht they cood look tht way dont even wry and just remember : a face without freckles is like a night without stars.....hope this helps!!  

  15. by the way, you put the comma in the wrong place in 10,000
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