
Are german people romantic?

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Are german people romantic?




  1. i am, like most german women, romantic, yes. but i also know not to drift too far away from reality. anyways, i experienced german men as not romantic at all, not old school or gentlemen like neither. thats probably why my boyfriend is american ;)

  2. h**l, yes!

  3. yes we are very romantic if the see a nice Woman

  4. strange as it may seem for such practical people, but most of those i met really are... there are stories about the french, but for me they somehow stay only stories... the germans have few stories but a lot of romance in reality..

    ahmm, although i can say that only about guys.. so far most have been talking about the german men, what about women? it seems like they are much more sensible and practical... however here i have little experience..

  5. I am, and I am German!

  6. I dated a german guy for almost 2 years he was the most romantic guy I have ever been with. They seem to have higher standards then most when it comes to relationships. they put you above everything else! More old school then american men that's for sure!

  7. My husband is german,  and he is very very very very very romantic :O)  and when I think about our friends here in Germany, I have to say, yes yes!  they are very romantic. They are not like  showing too much in public, but private, they are really wonderful.

  8. You might have guessed from all the answers, some are, and some are not.  It's so hard to generalize on a question like that.  Many Germans are - they appreciate deep relationships, deep emotions. They like family and still have family values - so diluted in the US they are hard to find.  But some are also very stiff and have a hard time with any emotion. My wife is German, very romantic.  Others I've heard of, not at all.  Try one and see if yo like it.

  9. to us as americans not really but they can be

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