
Are husband's recyclable?

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I was just wondering.. Today is trash day, Do I put him in the regular trash can, the recyclables or in the "greens" bin? Or maybe in my case he would be picked up on the last day of the month for being an oversized item? Which is it?




  1. just bin it

  2. ha ha he he  funny one , wait not funny , i was droped off at goodwill , been in a clearance box in the corner for 6 yrs , growing cobwebs now , wait this isn't funny its gray hair beginning to grow , awwwwww now look you got me all depressed lmao.

  3. Ha ha ha, I hope you figure out where to put him!

    I love my husband dearly but there are days (like today) when I would pack him in with the empty aluminum cans, too.


  5. trash guy didn't come today...guess it was cuz of labor day  

  6. you could stick him in the recycling bin, but if you haven't changed him into something else by now, it's probably a waste of time!

    stick him on, somones garbage is someone elses treasure :D lol

  7. my husband is not recyclable ! lol  ! i guess a regular trash can can be a good idea

  8. "Men are like Kleenex. They should be soft, but yet firm and the disposable"

    -Madeline Khan in Blazing Saddles.

  9. Put him on ebay.  At least you might get a little something for him.

  10. Are you kidding ?? Bring his butt to Good Will and Let some one else DEAL with that ..

    But you get a huge TAX write off for all YOUR trouble !!!

    Rock ON !!!

  11. He's recyclable if he has a 1 or a 2 on the bottom.  If he has a 5, you have to throw him in with the rest of the trash.  Or perhaps fold him up into 3 foot lengths and tie him with twine, a la cardboard.

  12. What a great idea. Thanks. LOL.  

  13. when husbands are recyclable, the wives are disposables

  14. In the old Items been;

    you have already deal with him, let other one do it NOW, they will take care of him.

    Now if you get divorce and get a new one, perhaps; but is better to do the best you can with what you have ...

  15. They are only recyclable.  But everytime they come back, they look a little different and a little more distorted..  

  16. I'd say in the tiny bin, wouldnt want to improve his ego. lol!  

  17. My wife gives gifts to the trash men at Christmas time but she won't ever give me s*x.  That makes me very angry and very jealous.  If my wife said "honey if you get in the trash can and can stay cramped up in there all night, naked, in the morning I'll have s*x with you" I might actually do it because I'm so hard up.

  18. how would you contain your husband in a bin, when he's busy going through other people's trash?

  19. oversized item.

  20. you could always call the sopranos waste management business if necessary.  lol.

  21. I would definately have to say yes they are. However do not put him in the regular trash. And I would not wait till the end of the month for being an oversized item. I would just lay him beside the trash cans. That is what we do with our trash when it does not fit in the bin. Sometimes we just stuff things in a big cardboard box. It will be picked up don't worry.  

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