
Are imginary friends a good idea?

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My six year old daughter is always talking to someone out-loud showing all her toys to it, playing with it, is this a good sign?

Ive heard this is completely normal from some, but from others not a good sign.




  1. I remember my imaginary friends were the characters from Love Boat. Weird I know, I wish I had someone original. But they went away. Either way, for a six year old, I don't see an issue with it. As long as the behaivor is normal (not destructive in any way).

    I would only start to wonder if she was maybe 10 or 11 and still talking to her friends.

    It's imagination and it's great she is using hers.

  2. i turned out fine i had an imaginary friend or so my mum said i used to laugh and play with it.. but surprisingly i had 2 brothers and a sister.. not only only children have it but.. i had a younger brother who is only a yr younger so that might be why dont worry! if your worried take her to the gp for a check up.

  3. I assume that she's an only child. Yes, absolutely normal. Just a phase that she's going through. I just found a site

    after typing in "Is it normal for children to have imaginary friends?" Yes, apparently 2/3s of pre-schoolers and school age children have them. Not to worry.

  4. join in on playing games with her.

  5. I had a handful of imaginary friends between ages two and four. What happened at age four, you ask? My parents moved into a neighborhood with a lot of children. I didn't need my imaginary friends any more because I had real friends. Maybe your daughter is lonely, not getting enough social interaction outside of school, especially now that it's summer. I'm sure she's normal, but taking her to the park or signing her up for swim camp or something else wouldn't be a bad idea. Only children often have imaginary friends, too. (I was an only child. Surprise, surprise!)

  6. She's fine, get her a stuffed tiger. Syndicate the pictures.

  7. Absolutely normal, even with kids who have friends. It's even healthy. Don't worry about it.

  8. Imaginary friends,i had one once, but he lied to me over and over,then i realised there was no such person so i thought "forget religion,its all bollox,there aint no god never has been never will be"

  9. This is quite common for her age. The best thing you should do, is come in to her room while she is playing with her imaginary friend and join in. Pretend like you believe in it too. Spend more time with her, and soon she won't have the need for an imaginary friend. Best of luck

  10. Totally normal. I had tons of imaginary friends as a kid. My favorite used to be Peter Pan!

    Adults do the same thing, really. It's normal and healthy for adults to talk to themselves, and practice conversations they anticipate having. A child having imaginary friends isn't really that different.

    It's just a way of practicing interpersonal relationships.

  11. A very great amount of kids have imaginary friends. It really is completely normal. Kids can feel lonely and want someone to talk to, or maybe even to talk to about things she's not comfortable telling people. I know it sounds silly, but she may just be trying to get things out, or just simply having fun! The only thing you have to worry about is if she keeps doing this in her teenage years. lol I wouldn't worry.


  12. At her age there is nothing to worry about. She sounds bright and imaginative.

  13. Sometimes children talks with an object or toy that they have in their hands,But to talk with an imaginary person,friend or another imaginary things is not too normal.Please take her with a psychology.She can help her.

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