
Are liberals more gullible than rocks?

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  1. Rocks are far more steadfast and consistent in their nature.

    Obama will flip-flop every time he is caught in another anti-American position statement. HIS followers flip right along with him.

    I prefer the ROCKS!

  2. Why are so many conservatives incapable of understanding the difference between a liberal and all liberals?  I've seen some mind numbingly stupid comments on YA from conservatives yet I don't assume that all or even most conservatives think the same way.

  3. I don't about a rock, but they do flip flop issues and double talk alot.  There are alot of ill informed people in the world though.....

  4. Hey...stop giving rocks a bad name. Tagger

  5. Are all conversatives stupid enough to attach an attribute such as gullibility to an inanimate object?

  6. No but neocons crawl out from under rocks to post here and run for office...

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