
Are libras known to cheat?

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i was just wondering if you have ever dated a libra and have been cheated on? and if not libras what othersigns are notorious for cheating ! FFI "for future information"

thanks for your answers i appreciate them




  1. i don't think so i know an Aries that does, and a Scorpio

  2. "signs" are irrelevant.  People cheat or they dont, only past behaviors can predict.

  3. I'm a Libra and I've never had a bf.

    I do flirt a lot but I never had a

    a relationship w/ anyone  yet and since I

    also do push all of them guys away. ( I'm scared

    of getting hurt)

    Although if I find my certain someone then

    all my attention is given to him and only him.

    From what I read here in YA while browsing,

    the big time cheaters are Capricorn (guys.)

    Idk if it's true cause I've never dated any Capricorns yet.

  4. i dont think the sign actually matters; i mean half of the people in this world dont even care bout signs. i think it just matters on who the person is cuz i dont think their sign has anything to do with their decisions to cheat at all

  5. Well I am a libra, and I've never cheated on a guy. I don't know if I was cheated on or not, if so, d**n they are good at hiding it... :)) So good luck...

  6. Ha ha! I got to laugh at this one, yes Libra's are known for cheating. (mind you some of them can be very faithful if in the right relationship). I remember reading somewhere that Libra's hold a different regard for love, they have their own levels of love so they feel its OK to sleep with someone else.

    And yes I dated a Libra and he did cheat on me he claimed because he missed me (he was out of town on business) and he felt the girl he was with reminded him of me. So it was all legit in his eyes until 9 months later.

  7. libras are for balence and justice so they are not know to cheat... gemimi, pices vergo,and leos

  8. Libras are said to be in love with love and some will love everyoe they get a chance to love.  Those are the few bad apples in the bunch.  Most Librans are extremely faithful.  The women can even be fridgid towards every man except the lover.  I consider Geminis to be the most notorious for cheating though practically all signs have cheaters in them especially nowadays.

  9. Signs known for cheating: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus and Gemini.

    There was a poll done on here a while ago where people confessed if they cheated, or what the sign of their partner was that cheated. These  signs listed above was dominant overall.

    Libras and I think Virgos were rarely mentioned. Libras have a conscious so no normally we don't cheat, because we will end up snitching on ourselves.

  10. they always cheat would not hang out with any of them at all  find some better friends and u will be happy

  11. No, I'm a Libra and very loyal. Geminis are the two-faced cheaters. Just ask my ex-wife and ex girlfriend.

  12. ^


    Great answer. She deserves the ten points.

  13. Well a sign can't predict if a person is going to cheat. and if it did it wouldn't be able to tell who it is going to cheat on or why.

    So in my mind a Libra can't cheat, but a person with a Libra sign can cheat.

  14. well I am a libra and I never ever cheated ever...I am extreamly loyal to my guy...I practically feel he is the only guy that exsists at the moment.

  15. cheating is no one particular signs domain while lying is

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