
Are men predators or protectors?

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and what are the reasons of your choice?

P/S: hey, seriously..I'm taking an effort to be an optimist towards males. by the way, as "Gender&" has being removed from this section, i don't know where else i can ask questions about men. so just hanging around a while.




  1. You cannot generalize all men. Some men are predators and some are protectors and many are neither.

  2. I had this convo with a guy pal once and he said that he was very protective of his girlfriend and wouldn't want to share her with anyone and couldn't forgive her if she cheated. At the same time he says he has this desire to want more women and he knows it is a double standard. It might be biological- spreading their genetic seeds to as many possible mates but still caring about and loving them at the same time. Who knows?

  3. Men are both by nature. The innate instinct is predator and the learned instinct is protector. See the links below for more info.

  4. depends on the man in question

  5. Both. It's a big world out there.

  6. I think they are a little bit of both.

  7. some r predators and some protectors.

    u just cant see it from the outside.

    thats y people date to get to know them bettr.

    good luck!!

  8. i say protectors. because ones they've found thier match (whether it's permanent or not) they tend to "guard it" espcially when it comes to thier offspring (hehe)-- well minus the deadbeat dads and pedophiles.

    but... then again they are predators at a certain point in thier life when they are looking for a mate or if they are pedophiles :-S

    geeze this is chicken or the egg all over again.

  9. It depends on the person. Women are just the same.

    I've gotten into a lot of fights, but I would never lay a hand on someone I love. Lots of guys (and women) would kill someone or leave someone to save their life, but lots of men and women would also sacrafice themselves for something they believe in.

    Could you call Ghandi a predator? Martin luther King? The Dali Llama? Bobby Fischer?

    It depends on the person. Think about all the women that have killed people too. If anything HUMANS are naturally predators.

  10. we men can and are both at times. those who are one as opposed to the other were raised very differently from one another.

  11. Both, most eat meat and many will fight to defend their own.

  12. I guess we could be both depending on the situation, just as women can be really nice and sometimes they can be real B's

  13. there both cant just pick one cause its not the truth

  14. they're both. they pray on women that aren't theirs.

  15. It depends on the man. My man protects me & I love him dearly.

  16. You're making an effort to be optimistic towards men?

    Men are whatever they want to be.  I, personally, am a protector AND a predator

  17. i'd say both too.they can be predators or protectors.

  18. Men and women can both be either a predator or protector...either are capable. However, in our social evolution some have established a symbiotic relationship between the two for its advantages by making tradition of certain divisions of function/duties. You might also consider there is considerable distance between those extremes where most people reside. No person is totally bad or completely good.

    The answer is to be an optimist toward those males or females whose words and actions are worthy of your favor and without employing prejudice in making that determination.

    There mere fact you bring gender into consideration is to suggest you have a prejudice for/against one or the other.

  19. Predators first, then protectors. no really thats true, the human nature is to gather as much resources as possible to survive, and women are one of them, they want to make babies to keep thier line going, so they are preditors until they get the ladies, then they are protectors, and even whilst playing protector, they are still preditor on the lookout for more females.

  20. they should be protectors but not all man are predators

  21. I believe that men are both. Predators in the hunter/gatherer sense and Protectors in the family sense.

    I'm a male, and can tell you that being an optimist towards our kind is probably a waste. We're just buttholes.

  22. Both.  How and what they are preying on varies by the sanity of the man.

  23. i think it depends on the man... each one is a little different than the next one, don't you think?

    each person can have capabilities of both "predator" or "protector" in my opinion....

  24. Having read your other question, I would say you are not making any effort at being an optimist towards males.

    You hate men, and you have made it abundantly clear you hate men. Just give it up, wear a burka, and stay home all the time if you don't want men to look , or as you put it "eye-raping", at you.

  25. Both - show most guys an attractive woman looking available, and he will act in a predatory manner. (Or WANT to at least, if married or otherwise off-limits).

    But if its his sister, then the protecor would manifest itself  - so it all depends on the situation.

    I'd like to think that most men would do the 'right' thing in any given situation. Personally, i prefer my sexual partners to be sober, willing and conscious.

    @Ska Man - how come you mention Bobby Fischer in that group? He's hardly well-known outside the chess world. I met in Manila some years back - what a completely insane but nice guy.

  26. Depends on who your asking.

    Can't really judge a blanket statement like this though.

    Its like saying "are women gold diggers or generous caring wives?"

  27. Selfish protectors. We serve and protect women in order to get what we want from them. You caught us. Can't fool you!


       Bluntly, we are protective of women in a sense similar to being protective of property--or of women we WISH were our property.

       Rape is rather uncommon. But mindlessly chasing tail is very common. And selfless devotion to protecting random women is only a cultural code, not something we really feel, if survival depended on it.

  28. Well we are both at a young age, or until we get what almost every teenager wants.

    Predators- Males want s*x more than females. But once that is done, we are no longer predators so to speak.

    Protectors-  When we are with out partners we want them to ourselves, and don't want anyone else to have any physical activities with our partner.

    So as i said, we are both..

  29. I am not a predator, neither a protector. I have no right to prey anybody, but I have no duty of protect anybody, specialy women. About other men, I dunno.

  30. wtf??? every man is different. you can't generalize the gender as a whole and say they are all predators or all protectors. life is not that simple

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