
Are mermaids real ??

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Are mermaids real ??




  1. Hahahahhahahaha. Thanks for the 2 points.

    P.S. Anyone who thinks mermaids are real should go die in a broom closet, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. :-)

  2. Yes they are very real entities... And I am not sure how many of them remain.. But they are still here...................................

  3. Yes and I believe that they exist. The ocean is too enormous enough to say that there isn't. Anything is possible! :)

  4. Why not? They have vital statistics also..... 34-22-$5 a KG.

    Take care. What would it matter to anyone if they existed or not. It would not help us in our life in any way. Our life is meant for self-realisation, not for mermaid spotting. We are not the temporary material body, but eternal spirit soul, that which gives consciousness to the body. We have to use our valuable time in re-awakening our true eternal spiritual consciousness. Take care. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

  5. most likely! the ocean is only 10% discovered. so who nkows whats down there? i beleive that we can even become one! good luck!

  6. NO

  7. Ok. Most of these people are WRONG!  

    No one knows. There could be some out there, but no one, not any of these people, can prove to you that they exist.  So yeah, enjoy your H2O and disney movies, but dont fill your head with nonsense like searching for spells to turn you into a mermaid.  Dream big, and who knows, mabey youll be the one to prove to me that they do exist.

  8. Mermaids are most definately real. Don't listen to what people tell you. They are real. They just never show up like they used to. The world is a dangerous place, so that causes them to be very secretive and cautious. If mermaids didn't exist, people wouldn't be talking about them in the first place. A legend is always started with something that truely happened or was seen. True? :)

  9. manatees are real.

  10. No. Though many do, I do not it may seem real when your little and you watch the little mermaid. But noone has claimed to seem them in years. Like the lockness monster is that real? no its just something someone saw and made it out to be something it wasn't.

  11. no. there cannot actually be humans with tails that can breath under water. If there were than they would be discovered by now and  it isn't in any way possible.

  12. yeah

  13. i wish they were. but no, they arent

  14. nooo,

    the mermaid story came about hundreds of years ago when sailors used to go out to sea, they would see human like figures with tails on the shores of islands.

    they werent 'mermaids'

    but a type of whale, cant remeber the name though

  15. Any things possible there are new species being discovered everyday
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