
Are midday naps fine?

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I am a teenager and I usually sleep about 6 1/2 to no more than 7 hours overnight. I wake up 5:15am, and by the time every thing's said and done, I won't fall asleep earlier than 10pm. So, as you may guess, I am sleepy, so by about 10am I will doze off unknowingly and will usually sleep for 1 hour - to no more than 1.5 hours. Is this okay for me?




  1. yeah its fine i take 20 mine to an hour naps all the time

  2. No. you need to get atleast 8 hours of sleep a night. (thats the min amount) unless you are physicaly unable to.

    that is the amount reccomended by doctors. but the naps are fine.


  3. Yeah your fine. I usually go to bed at like 12-1 and wake up at 7 o'clock everyday.I really never need sleep and i'm perfectly healthy. So your fine, no worries

  4. It's clear that you're not getting enough sleep/rest at night since your naps are pretty long. Most are less than half an hour, really. Your body needs it and it's scientifically proven that not only is it healthier for everyone to take half hour naps in the afternoon, but it will preserve your youth since only during sleep do you rejuvenate.

    Every time you sleep, your body heals itself so don't feel guilty. If you can get daytime naps, go for it without an ounce of guilt!

  5. Power naps rule!  15 minutes after lunch makes me feel great for the rest of the day.

  6. ya, actually biologically our bodies our programmed for naps everyday, but because of our society, obviously we don't take them.  if you're a teenager you should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep per night.  you're still growing and your brain is developing, don't feel lazy or bad for sleeping a lot your body needs it.  as you get older you'll realize you won't need that much sleep and just won't be tired
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