
Are my cans of tuna spoiled?

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So I just ate a can of tuna that had been sitting in my car for the last 3 weeks or so. It must've rolled out of a grocery bag in the trunk. Since it was in the trunk, I figured it would be alright (no windows means less radiant heat, right?). It smelled OK as far as tuna goes, but it tasted a little "tangy." Am I going to die of dysentery? If not, there are 2 other cans that were subjected to the same heat; are they safe?




  1. well, properly canned and stored, the tuna should be fine for years. but since you stored your in a trunk for 3 weeks and they've been exposed to excessive heat, i suggest your throw them away.

    you don't have to worry about dysentery. the worst you can get is a foodborne illness that includes symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc. it may feel like you have a stomach flu. it'll pass within 24-48 hrs. drink plenty of water and eat bland foods (banana, oatmeal, apple sauce, etc). but in the end ... you're going to live.

  2. A few extra dollars is a small price to pay, compared to an upset stomach.

    As we learned in culinary school:  "When in doubt, Throw It Out!"  

  3. Well, you'll know soon enough, but gee, a can of tuna is so cheap, it just isn't worth the risk. Just because one is OK, you don't know about the rest  Throw it away

  4. As long as there are no dents in the can(s) & the can(s) are unopened, it should be fine.  Check expiration dates.

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