
Are my migraines something more serious?

by  |  earlier

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I have had severe migraines everyday now for about a month. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year, and at first, I thought that was why. I had gotten migraines before as part of my condition, but not like this. I feel sick to my stomach, and I can hardly think. I haven't gone to the doctors yet as I am only 15 and I don't know how to explain this to my parents. Please, help me.




  1. Migraines are very common in adolescent females.  There are many reasons and factors which can contribute to this.  This does not necessarily make your migraines more or less serious, but they need to be properly evaluated.

    A significant factor in people who have both migraines and FMS is that stress aggravates both conditions.  This may be a trigger for your recurrent headaches, which until properly diagnosed are not necessarily migrainous, but may represent severe headaches of another form.  Also to be considered would be cervicogenic headaches related to your FMS.

    You should discuss these issues with your parents and follow up with your health care providers.

    At 15, you should rarely keep any medical issues from your parents.  While parents can often be perceived as difficult, they have more experience, and, in most cases, want you to be well and happy.

  2. See a Doctor, darlin'. So many possiblilties.

    Many times a migraine can make you want to puke.

    Often, botox can help relieve migraine pain.

    But you want to be sure.

    Speak with your parents and see a doctor.

  3. Talk to your parents...

  4. Explain the headaches to your parents just like you did here. I know you are only fifteen, but you're not taking birth control pills are you? If you are, they need to be changed to another brand. Quitting caffeine all of a sudden will cause migraines. Low female hormones will also. If you have layed off of caffeine, go get yourself a Coke Cola, and drink it, maybe two and your headache will go away. They can be caused by severe sinus infections, low sugar or high sugar levels, lots of things. Better tell your parents and go from there. Mom will know what to do. I wish for you the very best young lady. My wife had those twice, and it was caffeine for one, low hormones for the second and oh yes, a third one, birth control pills. Good luck and hope you feel better. My wife also has fibromyalgia but she doesn't have  migraines, just muscle pain.

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