
Are my rats allergic?

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I stuck care fresh in there cage and they have been sneezing ever since. then I took it out and put newspaper and they got better. so, what can I use that won't make them sneeze.

please i would like answers from rat owners and vets.

plus i got them at petco.




  1. If you just got them they are probably not allergic. Dust is not healthy for rats but it is not a ubiquitous allergy and CareFresh is a high quality bedding. Rats often sneeze when stressed and frequently develop an upper respiratory infection when you first bring them home from the pet store. Anything that has been sub-clinical will emerge. Petsmart and Petco both dump new shipments of rats in with rats in the cages and in my experience, most have some degree of respiratory illness when you get them. If they persist in sneezing, take them to a vet and have their lungs listened to. They probably just need a dose of antibiotic and all will be fine.

  2. It could be a flareup of mycoplasma, which all rats carry, or a dust allergy, or they simply have a cold. You can try different beddings that are dust free available at Petco or Petsmart, like Ammo Litter Urine Absorber, Critter Country Small Pet Bedding, Kay-Tee Kob Bedding, Kay_tee Total Comfort, or Super Pet Critter Litter. Or you can take them back to Petco and have them looked at by a vet, and possibly get a prescription to treat myco. Or you can adjust their food to make sure you aren't giving them anything they could be allergic to. My rat is allergic to sunflower seeds, is sensitive to dust, AND had a myco flareup.

  3. yup all rats are allergic to dust

  4. Rats are allergic to dust.

  5. well, newspaper or toilet paper!

  6. The air might not have been entirely 'fresh' and had bacteria in it or something that made them ill.

  7. food that they eat
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