
Are our teachers getting lazier??

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i want my soon to be five year old to start kindergarden this fall. i have been informed that he needs to be completly potty trained by then. the principal was pretty rude about this...she pretty much came out and questioned my parenting skills! it's not like my son wears a diaper 24/'s only during the day and at night. he is potty training at his own pace. what is the big deal for a teacher to change a diaper? i am so disillusioned with our school system i might even consider home schooling. anyone else out there sick of lazy teachers?




  1. I'm a teacher's aide, so I get to see many different teachers at work every day. I see how hard they work, and no, teachers are NOT getting lazier. At least not the ones in my school district. Many of them give up their lunch breaks to work on things, and I don't know many that wouldn't go out of their way to help a student in any way they can. However, I do not believe that changing diapers is in the job description of the teacher. I think kindergarten is one of the hardest grades to aren't quite sure how to act in school yet, and they have a LOT to worry about. I honestly don't know when a kindergarten teacher would have time during the day to be changing diapers.

  2. ummm....unless your son is developmentally delayed, autistic or have been diagnosed with another condition that he is not able to potty train at this point, he really should be out of any kind of pull up or diaper.

    sometimes in kindergarden during nap (which is phased out) they may have an accident and then they are expected to be able to undress and redress them selves. the teachers will assist them but they really need to be more independant at this point.

    and to the previous poster, yes teachers can change diapers too not just paraprofessionals

    but if you dont feel comfortable pushing the potty training issue with your son then you are allowed the option of homeschooling, but the government mandates that kindergarden children be able to do certain things for themselves unless they are 'labeled' as a special need child

  3. He needs to be fully potty trained! It is NOT the teacher's problem to change your son's diaper because YOU haven't trained him how not to **** himself in public! Sounds like YOU'RE the lazy one...

    And if he 'only' wears a diaper during the day and at night, when does he NOT wear it?

  4. Teachers actually cannot change your kid's diapers, as it violates laws, and it involves a complete stranger seeing your son naked from the waist down. people have been sued for doing up a student's pants, sexual harassment. So when it comes down to it, they can't change your son's diapers, it could get them in some serious trouble.

  5. I'm not questioning your parenting skills but where are they again?? Teachers are teachers to teach, not to be a babysitter caretaker. You really need to devote some serious one on one potty training time with your child IF you want them to go to a public or private school. Otherwise, I guess you are stuck homeschooling. I've never heard of a kindergarten teacher anywhere, changing a 5 year old diaper. It is your job to encourage him/her to be a big kid and start wearing undies. Diapers are for babies, and babies don't go to school.

  6. why is everyone on here so dang rude? Seriously, to answer your question...yes, our teachers of today are very lazy!! My son's teacher who teaches 1st grade, will not even take a few minutes out of class time to help my son button his pants!! My 8 yr old son must walk around school all day (after his first potty visit) with his fly down and button undone...just his belt buckled. How rude and lazy of her....and think how uncomfy my kid is during the day...and expected to pay attention in class too! I say home school the lil bundle of love since you are a better teacher and parent than todays lazy teachers who make a huge 34,000 a year!!!

  7. My goodness your son should have been toilet trained long ago. It is your job to train him not the schools. The teacher job is to educate not to toilet train children. She should not be judging you either.

  8. You've got to be kidding.  Teachers are not there to change diapers.  Your son should be potty trained by the age of five.  You have enough time to make sure that happens.

  9. I don't get it. My sixth grade teacher would MAKE me wear a diaper. She would even stay after school to change if for me.

  10. it is a teachers job to teach, not to change nappies. For your son to be able to cope socially he needs to be trained. At 5 I am suprised he is not

  11. perhaps you need to quit your job and become a teacher and change those chitty diapers ?

    Teachers have tough time patting a student on the shoulder for a good job done without having to worry about getting fired for inappropriate contact and you want them to change diapers ? ?

    Get real ! !

  12. Sorry to be so blunt..but its your job to potty-train your child.A five year old should be fully potty least during the day.In my opinion your being the lazy one!

  13. OMG..that is outrageous! She should be fired! I think your child should wear a cloth one, and it should come home washed, pressed, and ready to wear again.. Psshhh! Such laziness in the school system these days. We all know teachers are paid a fortune..they should embrace this responsibility.

  14. I don't know the deal with your kid. But I can safely say that there are so many teachers out there who shouldn't be teachers.

  15. In this day and age of accusations of teacher sexual indecency, you actually want a teacher to change your 5-year-old's diaper?  The fear of a lawsuit and loss of my teaching license isn't worth it.  A five-year-old should be potty trained.  My son still has an accident once or twice every year (he's in second grade) but the school has clothes we've brought for him to change into.

  16. i can't believe a question on an open forum could cause so much rudeness! don't listen to REGAN. i have nothing better to do, so i looked at many of her answers. she is very rude. i don't think the issue at hand is if you are a woman or a g*y man (what is wrong with g*y men?) , the issue at hand is lazy teachers and a child who is or is not retarded and still wears diapers. REGAN is rude on the majority of her answers to other users. be kind to her, she must be carrying a very heavy cross.

  17. Whats wrong with everybody, if you rush the child to grow up too fast, u could cause psycological problems, they grow up too fast as it is, good lord I was still breast feeding my daughters up to age 10! They weaned at their own pace. If the teacher is not willing to work something out, or compromise, I suggest you home school until your child is potty trained.

  18. Teachers for the most part do not change diapers.  Paraprofessionals have been known to change diapers, but only if the child has a medical issue as to why they are still wearing diapers.  I have known children who still wear diapers and require a special education facilitator to aid them in changing the diapers.  I have also know children who wear pull-ups due to medical problems with their bladder.  Usually if it's just a small accident they can go to the nurse to get a new pull-up but the nurse won't change it for them.

    Boomer S you will notice that I said "for the most part".  I noticed that you work in Special Education too, but in a grade school enviroment (at least where I live) the teachers have help with that sort of thing.

  19. Teachers teach, parents change diapers. In our district, children MUST be potty trained to attend kindergarten. It is not that teachers are lazy, we are so incredibly busy that we do not have time to change diapers. 30 kids in one class, could you imagine if just 15 of them had to be changed 3 times a day? 45 diapers! Plus with all the lawsuits out there, it may not be the best idea to have a bottomless kid in the class. If my child were not potty trained by kindergarten, I would consider home schooling so we could work on it during the day.

  20. Your school district is wrong.  Are they so lazy that they don't know anything about the Rehabilitation act of 1973?  Demand a 504 plan.  If they refuse, make sure your contact all of those civil rights activists that show up every time a black person is wronged.  Threaten a law suit.  You child will be freshly diapered as often as your story is replayed on CNN.

    Best of luck to you and your retarded child.

  21. your such a troll get a life

  22. At five people expect kids to be potty trained. I respect that he is going at his own pace, but you need to make it go a little faster.

    The teachers are not lazy for saying they won't change diapers, they have a right. Kindergarten is for learning, not a daycare.

    I do agree that she was a little rude, she didn't HAVE to go off on how he isn't potty trained yet and he should be and bla bla bla. She does have a point though.

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