
Are parents too lax?

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When I was about 13 we had visitors at our home and I was being mouthy to my mom (I thought there are people here so I will get away with it) Mom said "you keep that up son and I will spank your bare bottom right here in front of everyone" I responded "F*ck you" in no time she had me by the ear, put me across her lap bared by bottom and gave me the spanking of a lifetime..(some where in the middle of it she had someone bring her a belt) My bottom was pride was hurt..but I never again uttered those words to my mom...

DO we need to go back to that kind of response to teach kids respect?




  1. It's been seeming like it...

  2. The Bible says "spare the rod, spoil the child"

    Back in some of the old days, a parent used to use a switch...

    Also, in some of the old days, other people were allowed to spank a child, not just the parent...  hence, "it takes a tribe to raise a child"

    I see nothing wrong with soap, a slap in the mouth if a teen "back talks", nothing wrong with the belt...  or a smack in the butt...

  3. Absolutely.

  4. You Son deserved every slap ! to say fu to your mom , shame shame on you dude i don't feel one bit sorry for you !

  5. no.

    hitting your kid doesnt teach them anything.. they no longer have respect for you if you have to resort to hitting them to get them to listen.

    my mom hits me

    i hit her right back ;)

  6. Yes. I can't stand parents that pretty much have the kid run the house. Whatever the kid does is right pretty much. I remember my mother was somewhat lax (though not as lax as parents today) and deep down I did yearn for some sort of structure.

  7. Im 15, and if my parents or anyone ever touched my *** passed the age 10, they would pay.

  8. Absolutely.......NOT! Theres much better ways than that. That just makes your kids affraid of you not respect you.

  9. No.

    Children do not need to be done violence in order to be taught respect. Parents have to earn respect through natural authority - force of will and personality, setting an inspiring enough example and explaining things sufficiently that children will follow them, willingly and of their own choice. The fact of being a parent earns  you nothing. Plenty of people are biologically parents and are still rotten, contemptible people worthy only of scorn and derision.

    We can see by the role models children choose for themselves - and by the fact that they DO choose them - that it is possible for children to pick up on agreeable patterns of behavior. It is not impossible to do, it is merely a fact that most parents are too lazy to be bothered and would rather result to the artificial and often hypocritical authority bought by force, which requires neither inspiration nor consent but merely submission - the destruction of will and freedom rather than the development of independence.

  10. s***w spanking you, I'd of slapped you across the face, then washed your mouth out with soap.  What a disrespectful brat you were!

  11. oh my god, my mom and dad did that to me.  it was horrible.  and it never solved anything either.  I will never do that when I have kids.

  12. well, kids should already have been tought the respect they need and how to act when company is over, without the need for violence

  13. Yes. I'm sure if your mom would've just given you a "time out," you would've been just as mouthy the next time you had company. I can't stand to be in public and listen to some dimwitted parent begging their child to be good. My mom would've taken me out to the car and given me a good spanking. She usually only had to THREATEN to take me to the car and I behaved myself.
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