
Are people actually this prejudice?

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Okay it seems like here on yahoo answers I always run into a million hate questions and answers about race religion and appearance that actually get thumbs up and stars and I wonder are people like this in real life. I know that it is easier for people to be asses with the anonymity the internet provides but are they closet bigots that pretend to be normal in real life or is it the same people trolling over and over. It just makes me sick that stuff like that gets positive attention here where as in real life they would have been beaten to unconsciousness by now.




  1. YES, people are like this in real life and the anonymity of the website just lets them be themselves. They will pretend more or less in real society because they don't want to be beaten unconsciousness like you just said. Here everyone can hit and run so to speak.

  2. People enjoy the anonymity that allows them to vent their spleens with no consequences.

  3. On-line or in a group they are very bold. When alone they act like small frightened children. There has always been this type of behavior,it might stem from being inadequate in different areas of their miserable existence. However, due the rapid overpopulation we have to be more reliant and tolerant of each other if we are to survive.

  4. It truly skin ks i agree but it is called freedom or speech . sometimes i wish it would be blocked

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