
Are pro-lifers pacifists? ?

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Just curious how many people fall into the category or pro-life and support the Iraq war? What is the reasoning if so, what is the difference between an embryo being destroyed vs. Iraqi infants and our own men at arms? And if it is for religious reasons, wouldn't Jesus be against war.




  1. Pro-lifers are like every other single-issue wackos. Some will resort to killing to make their point about NOT killing by blowing up medical offices!

    Just like gun-junkies, religious right fanatics, and eco-terrorists, they should all move to another country.

  2. No.  You can be pro-life and still support a war.  You can also be pro-choice and be a pacifist.  The two are not mutually exclusive.

    The difference between the occupation of Iraq and abortion is one of intent.  The mother in the case of abortion is intending to end the life her her fetus, which if you believe is a separate human life, is also an innocent life.  In the occupation, the intent of soldiers it not to end the life of innocent Iraqi infants, it is to protect the Iraqi people from insurgents bent on starting civil war and seizing control of the government for themselves.  Clearly there are soldiers who are not good people and they do kill innocent life on purpose.  They are called criminals and (hopefully) prosecuted as such.

  3. No, but would it knock your socks off to know that most rabid baby killers are g**s and lesbians? That is a fact.  

  4. Why would you try to be categorizing people like this.  Unless of course, you are liberal...  Then I understand...

  5. Probably not...most of them are pro-war and [SHOCK] pro-gun rights

  6. Pro-lifers have attacked doctors and are now in prison, so what they want is bodies to be born and then to be shot later in a war started by the globalist. That's why they like war but hate abortions.

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