
Are spanish people from spain latino?

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ive seen blond light eyed spaniards




  1. no because they are not from latin america

  2. Spaniards are from europe, they are white.

    Latinos are from latin america

  3. They are considered White Latinos.

  4. Spain: caucasian, latino and hispanic

    America: caucasian, mixed and not mixed, latino-AMERICAN or hispano-AMERICAN, or ibero-AMERICAN

    although latino hispano and ibero can be quite diferent one of other, we used along the term americano to refer to people from central and south America.

    Latino: any CULTURE (not race) derived from latin (romans)

    Hispano-hispanic: people from Spain (Hispania was the old name of

    Spain. So people in America descents of spaniards are hispano-americanos

    Ibero: From iberian peninsula, (spain AND protugal). Ibero-americano  is used to refer people descent of both natinalities in America.

  5. No they are White.  

  6. spanish people from spain are hispanic/european since spain is in europe. they aren't latino

  7. they are spanish.... or spaniards...... yeah they come in all shades over there.... they are also like that in brazil, agentina, and other countries,

  8. Spainards are Latino.Penelope Cruz is from Spain and she is considered Hispanic

  9. Central Americans & South Americans are considered LATINOS.

    Spanish/Italian/Greek/Portuguese/So on.. are EUROPEANS/White!


  10. They are Hispanics not Latino (those terms are different). The majority of Hispanics from Spain are white Hispanics

  11. No latino is considered of the Western Hemisphere or of the Latin Culture, Spanish are Spaniards nothing else

  12. Spanish people arre just as white as any other European, despite the recent trend in America to deny their whiteness, and lump them in with brown,mixed-race people from Latin America. (And, by the way, Latin Americans of pure Spanish descent are just as white as other European-Americans.) With this new trend in racial illiteracy, you hear such ludicrous nonsense as "Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball were the first interracial TV couple"( sorry, but they were both white ) or "If a new movie on Henry VIII is planned, Jennifer Lopez should play his first, Spanish wife". ( Would they have a mulatto Jamaican play any of his 4 English wives? ) And I'm sick of people acting as if a Spanish surname automatically negates someone's whiteness. I have a Portuguese surname and I'm sick of people disregarding my lilly-white, map-of-Europe on my face and implying that I'm a minority because they think

    that it's a Spanish name. I'm sick of having to defend my birthright in

    the white race, but I'll keep doing so because nobody is going to steal

    my rightful racial identity ( They tried to at Smith College in the early  

    and mid 80s, but they DIDN'T succeed ) And I'm sorry if this offends any minority-I don't think that we are superior to minorities, but I'm not going to accept a stigma that is not mine. ( There's also nothing wrong with being g*y, but if someone tried, erroneously, to say that I was a

    L*****n, I wouldn't stand for that, either.) I think that it's high time for

    Americans to revert to their pre-80s level of racial literacy and know a

    white person when they see one.

  13. No they are Spanish.

    Latino is a person of Latin American decent

    A Spanish speaking Latino is a Hispanic

    Latino is a culture they can be of any race but they share one thing in common they originate from Latin America.

    Spain is the native land of the Spanish people who are simply Spanish and are not Latinos. Spaniards are white as well or predominantly white.

    Latinos are mostly a mixture of Native American, African & European ancestry reason why they have different features to the Spanish and that people presume Latinos are a race or ethnicity when they are not

  14. are spanish people from spain latino?

    No! Latino  is short for  LatinoAmericano or someone who is a native inhabitant of Latin America. People in Spain would not be called Latino.

  15. Its just like White people in america claim to be american instead of remeber that they came frome europe

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